Date night

By avaiia - 09/08/2016 20:32 - United States - Chicago

Today, I had a first date. We really hit it off and wound up watching movies together and talking late into the night. I ignored a developing migraine all night, then tried to leave hurriedly when it got bad. He stalled me leaving by asking what's wrong. I started vomiting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 772
You deserved it 1 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

I can understand you trying to ignore it a long as you could in order to keep a good night going, but when it got that bad, you should've just told him. If he's really a good guy, he would've understood. but who knows? If you start dating, maybe this will make for a good cute first date story in the long run

Ignoring a very bad migraine can lead to serious health problems... You should have explained the situation to him, and rescheduled.. If he couldn't understand, he wasn't worth the time...


Allornone 35

I can understand you trying to ignore it a long as you could in order to keep a good night going, but when it got that bad, you should've just told him. If he's really a good guy, he would've understood. but who knows? If you start dating, maybe this will make for a good cute first date story in the long run

Migraines are just one of those things. A lot of times I've been in a situation where I've developed one and after mentioning it, all I got were eye rolls and different treatment. I guess enough people use the word "migraine" casually without knowing what it is, so people that really have them aren't believed.

katachristic 19

Yeah, I can verify this. I generally don't tell people I have chronic migraines unless I know them pretty well because it's simply met with derision.

A lot of people don't understand migraines, and assume they're only bad headaches. For me personally, I lose the ability to read, and am vomiting for anywhere between 2-10 hours. When you try to explain this to people who aren't so blessed, some of them tend to think that you're being overly dramatic.

Hope he understands, you should of made your priorities first though and left before it got bad

And did you never learn how to correct someone without being a dick about it?

In elementary school, you *should have* learned to interact with people without being a dick, you hypocritical scumbag. Besides, there are many reasons why a person might not know that "should've" is a contraction of "should have". English might be a second language and they think people are just saying "should of" instead of "should've"; they might have a learning disorder; they might actually still be in elementary school; or (and this is honestly my favorite explanation) they did it specifically to annoy you. If they didn't, then they should of.

I get migraines all the time, so I feel your pain. they're just so inconvenient, that I understand the not wanting to leave the date for it. Sorry op! I hope he was understanding!

He couldn't have known. I think you should have mentioned it earlier!

Nothing like a good vomit after the first date. Nice going OP

Ignoring a very bad migraine can lead to serious health problems... You should have explained the situation to him, and rescheduled.. If he couldn't understand, he wasn't worth the time...

Well, from my point of view, he was likely asking what was wrong because he was worried you didn't like him or something had gone wrong, given your rush to leave, so at least as a positive you were able to prove to him that you weren't just trying to escape him and that you genuinely just felt ill... <:)

if hes nice he will understand that your sick so dont think you blew the date

moo77_fml 20

Oh no!!! Migraines are evil!! Hope you're feeling better and hope ur date understood and wants to take you out again

While you should have said something earlier, I'm sure he'll understand and won't think any worse of you for it.

Hell, it's a big sign she liked him that she stayed that long. As long as she just says something about enjoying the date so much that she tried to power through her migraine, he should forgive her.