This is rage bait, surely?

By Sorry not sorry - 13/04/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, I found an old Bible in a box of my boyfriend's stuff. I despise religion, so I threw it away. He freaked out when he found out, screaming that it was a "family heirloom". I don't care if vile, hateful trash is an heirloom or not, I'm going to get rid of it. Deal with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95
You deserved it 2 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you are the lowest of the low. I'm not even religious but you have no right to throw anything away that's not yours especially when it's a family heirloom. how would you like it if some starts throwing away your stuff because they don't like it. I hope he dumps you. you deserve to be alone until you learn that you are not the center of attention.

You idiot. I despise religion but it was not yours to throw away like a lunatic control freak.


you are the lowest of the low. I'm not even religious but you have no right to throw anything away that's not yours especially when it's a family heirloom. how would you like it if some starts throwing away your stuff because they don't like it. I hope he dumps you. you deserve to be alone until you learn that you are not the center of attention.

You have no business throwing away anything that isn't yours. If I was your boyfriend, you'd be thrown away next!

You idiot. I despise religion but it was not yours to throw away like a lunatic control freak.

Vesi 29

I despise religion and especially the people that try to force it on others, but if he is not religious and that item really is heirloom, what you did is *so* beyond not ok. What you did was vile and hateful. Perhaps put yourself above it. it's not yours, you had no right to touch it and I truly hope you learn from this experience.

You are the ultimate C-word. You had no right tossing something that isn’t yours. I hope he dumps your behind in the nearest dumpster where you belong

**** is the word you were looking for. and yes you are correct

Wadlaen 23

I agree with all the other comments here, you need to be able to differentiate between what is yours and what belongs to others, and respect other people!

Bibles are where people recorded genealogy and are very important as heirlooms for that reason alone. I hope it got it back and threw you away. Deal with it

Religion is the root of all evil, but it's never acceptable to get rid of someone's property without their permission.

hm1220 1

people would be killing themselves over something else. the root of all evil is xenophobia

have you ever considered that storing it far away from you was his way of being respectful? bibles are often heirlooms because it was literally the only book in some families. It could have had writing in it that meant more than the text. I hate religion too and literally often throw away bibles and I would never do that to my partners things.

MxCrix3333 10

It sounds like you have some religion-related things to work through. I hope you find some tolerance and open-mindedness around it. Because at this moment, you acted in a way that was hurtful to someone you care about simply because of a book, a book that isn't harmful on its own. Best of luck to you.