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The end is nigh!

By Anonymous - 03/10/2023 14:00

Today, my thick-as-pig shit mother, who is both religious and almost illiterate, went through my room and threw away anything she thought would be immoral. She threw away Moby Dick because of the word Dick, yet ignored 50 Shades of Grey, because that’s how thick and ignorant she is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 869
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently, your mother only want books that, like the Bible, includes sex, rape, violence and whales that can house people inside them. FYL

Of course she wouldn't throw away 50 Shades of Grey. It's hers. What was it doing in your room?


Apparently, your mother only want books that, like the Bible, includes sex, rape, violence and whales that can house people inside them. FYL

Yes but it's not there for entertainment purposes. The Bible wasn't written to be a thrilling book. It's written to describe the relationship people should have with God and with each other. Even if you don't agree with it there are many many solid principles that are found there. If you completely disagreed with the Bible but you followed 90% of what it says it would improve your impact on the people around you and probably improve your life. Of course there are things in there that some people think are wrong but that's more like a political argument based on what we call good. If you're an atheist you would have to say that those things are not inherently good or bad. When criticized they are usually taken out of the context that they're meant to be in. Criticizing the Bible is kind of meaningless if you don't have a deep understanding of the book itself the religions that use it and all of the history behind it. It's easy to throw out blind criticism but for the people that actually know something it just exposes your ignorance. How many other religions do you criticize? When was the last time you bashed on Buddhists? I don't know but I would guess never which tells me you probably don't know anything about Buddhists either. I'm not bashing on Buddhist or any other religion I'm just saying that people who make blankets statements about religion being bad or about the Bible being bad are usually ignorant.

Of course she wouldn't throw away 50 Shades of Grey. It's hers. What was it doing in your room?

I have a lot of negative feelings about and disagreements with my mother. But you are DAMN disrespectful for someone living in her home. Maybe grow up and get your own place and then it’s your business what you get to keep there.

Wadlaen 23

The lack of respect is 100% at the mother in this case: Even though your children live under your roof, you don't have any right to do as you please with their things, nor to go through their belongings!

Yeaaah... the lady can't tell a classic fiction from a newer erotic fiction. She gets no respect from me.

Your comment would mean something if she had read them both and still couldn't tell the difference but otherwise it's worthless.

Otherwise it's literally judging a book by its cover which is all you have to go by if you haven't read it.

Moby Dick, (like many Melville books) is full of homoerotic imagery and undertones. In the very first chapter Ishmael and Queequeg sleep together, and then Ishmael states that they have an emotional bond as if they are married. Good for your mom throwing out that smutty book.

You really should respect the rules if you're not paying your own bills. Do you do so much around the house to pull your weight? Are you paying for groceries Your own clothes? How about the gas bill the electric bill the water bill the trash bill the internet? Are you paying for maintenance on the roof and for cracks that need to be repaired in the foundation? Are you making sure that your family has enough? I don't know you but I can hear in my head someone saying my mom doesn't do anything. The fact is you're not around all the time and you don't know what she does and what she has done in the past. It's not your house. If they don't want something in their house don't keep it in their house. Legally she may not have the right to throw your stuff away but if you're not doing all that stuff listed above and more than morally you're wrong.

Why would anyone refer to their Mother with these names? Africans would never