This is wrong
By WTF - 05/09/2009 22:11 - United States

By WTF - 05/09/2009 22:11 - United States
By GoldenTornado11 - 10/05/2017 14:00
By Anonymous - 27/12/2009 12:49 - Canada
By Anonymous - 30/03/2015 10:30 - United States - Cincinnati
By Bear - 01/02/2009 17:38 - United Kingdom
By eatmyshipoopie - 18/12/2009 15:20 - United Kingdom
By SCARRED - 29/08/2014 20:15 - United States - Kansas City
By Anonymous - 12/01/2010 02:25 - Canada
By bkay26 - 29/08/2010 15:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/10/2020 02:01
By Anonymous - 30/05/2019 02:00
OH SHIT BUSTED. Well hopefully your dad's car broke down and your mom was teaching him the proper use of his stick-shift. btw FIRST
im sure thats what happened
Oh God and people say I don't get hyperbole ___________________________
Not my fault the **** up your ass is keeping you from a sense of humor. _______________________
lol, love how he keeps leaving his myspace url
woot! i moderated this, im glad this made it on
I Dont know why people even would vote can he deserved this? FYL indeed..!
You slipped out of the room, your "dad" slipped out of the driveway, your real dad slipped out of your mom, your mom slipped out of consciousness. Wow, your family must use alot of soap for such dirty people. I bet you own at least three slip and slides, I sure wish I did.
haha, ur mom's a ****
somone stole ur dads car or ur mom is a hoebag. i choose the second one
That sucks
yes it does ur mom needs to get her priorities straight
I'm afraid of parmesan cheese, makes me want to hide in the bathtub.
oh my god. that's freaking scary. I agree with #2 that sucks. really bad
Been there... Whatever her reasons, you need to respect your mom for making her choice. My parents cheated on each other at least 3 times before they finally divorced. Perhaps it's a good thing. It mightn't seem that way now, but maybe in time.
Oh, my God! Your dad's car got stolen!
At least they're able to still enjoy each other through this tragic time. (;
Thank you captain obvious.
Ahh my favorite phrase in life!!!
Could be that somebody's borrowed it. I can see your worry though. But make sure before you jump to any conclusions.
ya, WTF is rite
Who sais it was replaced?
blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp. (Also, blerp.)
you forgot blerp
Hm, interesting point. I never thought of that.
Give this person an award. Most well written article ever.
Could be that somebody's borrowed it. I can see your worry though. But make sure before you jump to any conclusions.
yo mama's got some 'splainin to do