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Tips Fedora

By UglyBoi4Lyfe - 28/05/2024 06:00 - United States

Today, I had to watch as the girl I love got her heart stomped to pieces once again. She had turned me down because apparently I’m not “her type”. She doesn’t understand that I will worship the ground she walks on, and give her the world and more. Her type must be abusers and cheaters then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 164
You deserved it 1 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take the fedora off, shave the neck beard and get a life. The girl IS NOT interested in you. Move on or continue being the creepy stalker 'nice guy' sort. Up to you.

Amen! That girl was me once. I didn’t love myself so I kept choosing the jerks and getting heartbroken all because they fit my preferences. Once you break patterns you will see changes.


Take the fedora off, shave the neck beard and get a life. The girl IS NOT interested in you. Move on or continue being the creepy stalker 'nice guy' sort. Up to you.

d j mom 8

it sounds like she has underlying low self esteem issues. I hate to say it, but you may not have a chance for a looong time.

Amen! That girl was me once. I didn’t love myself so I kept choosing the jerks and getting heartbroken all because they fit my preferences. Once you break patterns you will see changes.

d j mom 8

thank you! all those down votes must be from men lol!

d j mom 8

also that was me too. sad to say. that's why I know what I'm talking about.

OK. I might get hella downvoted for this but that girl you love was me once upon a time. I had a “type” and refused to deviate from it. I wouldn’t look twice at people who didn’t fit my preferences. As a result, I kept getting heartbroken over and over again. I was wondering why my relationships failed. Turns out (with the help of a therapist) I was the common denominator. I kept choosing the same type of guys expecting different results. So my now-husband and I are going into two years strong. He was NOT my type but I realized that if I stick to my “preferences” I could miss out on someone amazing. As I got to know him, my attraction to him grew. OP, you can’t do anything about this if she’s not willing to change her ways. Wish her healing, move on, and find someone who will appreciate you from the jump. She will learn her lesson someday. To those of you calling OP a “nice guy” obviously never had their hearts stomped on in their lives. Nothing wrong with being a nice guy. The nice guys have the biggest hearts although they’re overlooked. So jokes on all of you. Best of luck to you OP. You’ll find someone special someday :)

smartal 3

sounds terrible but girls don’t want the grovel at their feet type. they want the “can live without them easily” type. play the act like they ain’t shit and you will easily start attracting them back.

Young women don't want 'nice guys.' Young women want bad boys, because they're obsessed with their emotions, instead of doing what's practical and beneficial. They find 'nice guys' boring, so they go after what gives them the high and lows they think will benefit them, even though it actually doesn't.