By awkwardturtle - 25/01/2013 05:31 - Canada - London

Today, I went to buy a birthday present for my boyfriend. While buying him a sweater, the cashier tried to up-sale me by asking if my boyfriend wore briefs or boxers, because both were on sale. Not thinking, I blurted out, "I don't know, they just come off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 688
You deserved it 13 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Uh oh, a Freudian slip. It only happens to the best of us. Don't worry OP :)


Methinks you might have made that cashiers day!

It must be good to accidentally come out with witty responses :p That's probably made the cashier's week xD

I know you didn't mean it that way, but that is hilarious. Sorry for any embarrassment OP.

He's gonna post " Today, my girlfriend bought me a sweater for my birthday.FML" just sayin'

Werken247 14

Won't be so bad if it comes with a ********.

SApprentice 34

What's wrong with a sweater gift? You're giving the gift of delicious warmth. It might even be a sexy, really high quality sweater.