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By Anonymous - 24/07/2009 19:06 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with my friend when I saw my boyfriend in Victoria's Secret - with another girl. They were joking and laughing, and I was really pissed off. So I stormed into the store and slapped him. He looked up at me with an angry and confused expression. It wasn't my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 880
You deserved it 91 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you my friend are an idiot and deserve it...I understand not recognizing him from a distance but by the time you were close enough to slap should have clicked that this guy looked a little different


ChrisWasHere 0

Agreed. The OP deserves it for being a ******* retard. Wouldn't you know it wasn't him right before you looked at him before you slapped him in the face? YDI it for assuming shit.

So if the guy was your boyfriend you would do the same? If the guy was your boyfriend in the first place she might have just been with a friend and were joking. YDI for being jealous and moronic.

even if it was OP's boyfriend, he could still have been innocent. . At stores like that they usually have attractive girls there trying to sell you stuff, He could have been shopping for her. There was no way for that situation to turn out that doesn't make OP a crazy bitch

justsignedup 0

uh greed. y u so needy bish gurl? un seek ur, no dowt. go werk out moar.

she doesn't deserve it. for all you know OP could of slapped him and then looked at his face. it's called acting without thinking (or looking) and the same thing happened to me to so i feel for you OP hope the guy understood that it was just an accident.

fili450r 0

#108 what the hell did you just say???

Let me get this straight... you think it would be not her fault if she was so enraged with jealousy over a situation that she didn't need to get jealous about without establishing facts that she hit a guy without getting a proper look at him? That just might be the stupidest thing I've heard all day, and I've heard some pretty stupid shit.

rabidbacon 0

So assault by a random person is ok? If someone you didn't know came up and slapped you, lets see how you take it.

Dmaster22 0

YDI OP. EVEN if it was your bf your a crazy psycho bitch. You don't jump to conclusions like that until you observe a little longer. dumbass. And did you expect sympathy here? Crazy ******* bitch. I hope that random guy you bitchslapped presses charges. Crazy bitch!

unixorn 1

What kind of stupid bitch slaps people without checking to see who it is first? Just because you're a moron doesn't mean she isn't one too.

balanceMMX 0

couldn't have put it better myself! ("you moronic bitch")

I think it said: Agreed. Why you so needy betch girl? Insecure, no doubt. go work out more. i had to read

vampvalencia 0

YDI for being a stupid bitch.

I feel bad for the guy she slapped not just because of the pain but also because now the girl he was with (if she was his gf) might think he was cheating.

have some sympathy! don't u think she feels bad enough?

I think the only words in English were go, so, and needy...

you my friend are an idiot and deserve it...I understand not recognizing him from a distance but by the time you were close enough to slap should have clicked that this guy looked a little different

The point is she shouldn't have slapped him no matter what. Even if it WAS her boyfriend, seeing as how him and the girl weren't kissing or anything, there was nothing to suggest that he would have been cheating on her. If he had his arm around or something, that could be suspicious, but it's still not cheating. YDI completely OP, not for failing to recognise your boyfriend, but for being a jealous, paranoid bitch. The guy who got slapped has a ****** life. His girlfriend now probably thinks he's cheating on her with the crazy girl who just slapped him. FHL

heyyou1203 0

regardless of who it actually was, assault is NEVER ok, regardless of gender! even if it was her b/f, he's not allowed to have fun with other girls, have female friends?

CyclonePsycho 1

When you assume, you make an ass out of yourself.

When you assume you make an ass out of u and me. ;)

Yer I was going to say. You said it wrong bro.

Try contacts/glasses. They help avoid situations like that.

So, you apparently have poor eyesight *and* you don't trust your boyfriend. Awesome combination. Seriously, I've been to Victoria's Secret with plenty of girls that I had no interest in dating, let alone sleeping with. Stop jumping to conclusions. It will do you a lot of good, I promise.

Unless you're gay or it's family, why would you go underwear shopping with a girl you're not interested in?

Young_Sparta 0

you really shouldn't question it, if theres no interest, they are probably just really good friends or **** buddies.

Because we're good friends. They want the opinion of a man, I want to hang out with my friends doing something they enjoy. Plus, Victoria's Secret carries some really good smelling lotions and stuff and that's just a lot of fun right there >.>

Because we're good friends. They want the opinion of a man, I want to hang out with my friends doing something they enjoy. Plus, Victoria's Secret carries some really good smelling lotions and stuff and that's just a lot of fun right there >.>

deaditegirl 0

YDI for being an idiot. Did you not think to look at him closely BEFORE slapping him? Moron.

seb12992 0

Seriously, the OP must be some pathetic paranoid stalker type bitch who follows every boy that breaks up with her on Myspace and Facebook. Must be really ugly too.

GotThatPurp 0
greenltrn2003 0

ahhh another fine product of New York

girandwogpig 0