By fail - 19/11/2009 06:10 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By Sarri - 18/02/2014 02:13 - United States - Pembroke
Online classes can be tricky
By Daniella - 12/11/2020 11:03 - Indonesia - Jakarta
By acapelladisaster - 13/03/2015 00:39 - United States - Indianapolis
Hang in there
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
Inappropriate Billy Joel
By Anonymous - 18/04/2016 19:28 - United States - Carlisle
In New York, concrete jungle wet dream tomato
By Anonymous - 18/02/2023 02:00
Waxing lyrical
By Anonymous - 09/02/2023 04:00
Are you OK?
By Anonymous - 06/11/2023 15:00
By justjust - 28/03/2009 14:14 - United States
I love rock n roll
By Anonymous - 27/11/2022 14:00
Top comments
I hope you realize you just ****** up 300 children for the rest of their lives. F their lives.
yes, because a word can totally **** up peoples lives
You're soooooo cool, nazooer. We all want to be like you when we grow up.
dude ive heard my little sisters friends say **** off and shes only 11...i don't think hearing the **** word is really going to ruin anybody...****
Honestly, they probably know it anyways.
Bah, those children will learn that word sooner or later anyway. This FML is a funny one unlike virtually every other one. FYL and I hope you won't get any lawsuits from kids' parents :)
Nice job.
no, he said fudgesickles
haha, I saw something really similar happen a few weeks ago. i was at my brother & sister's school awards night, and the class president was giving her valedictory address. After the first page, she turned over and obviously it was not the page she was expecting. She hesitated, flicked another page or so, shuffled her entire pile of papers (looked like about 4 pages), then said into the mic "sorry, I'll just be a moment"; shuffled the papers again, and obviously forgetting she had an uber-sensitive mic less than 12 inches from her face, muttered "sh*t" in front of probably about 800 students, parents, teachers, dignitaries, families & friends etc. She obviously didn't realise until a second later when everybody laughed. Upon hearing the laugh, her eyes widened, she looked up from her papers to look at the audience, and her hand flew up in front of her mouth. She stood like that for a good ten to fifteen seconds while we laughed again. She ended up going on with her speech, obviously having completely lost the page she was looking for. F her L.
Wow, you just basicly told the same story, only in the form of a WHOLE book
shutup! Don't spoil the rest of the story. Im only up to chapter 1. I hear chapter 2 has vampires.
The main character dies of a massive wall of text in the last chapter :O
SPOILER: One of the vampires gets a dachshund pregnant.
I feel so bad for that girl. I can't imagine being in that situation.
Y were u saying it in the first place? No one says f**k if they forget something they try to rememBer it. Plus, 300 kids in primary school know it now.
i do... i do because of... **** what was i gonna say next? oh well
who the heck uses the word "whilst"? thats like "this morning 'whilst' wakeing up, I learned that you're retarded..." It just doesn't work :P
uhhh and who uses the word "wakeing"? look whos the retaaaard. whilst is a fine word maybe dumbass people are too dumb to use it :P !
You misspelled "who's".
We say it in Australia, where the poster is from. We also say "amongst". My American friends love that one.
You just gave those kids about a month's worth of education in a single syllable. If I think of all the stuff I learned in school, only a few are more important than the F-word. I carry it with me every day and I use it like a linguistic Swiss Army knife. FML? STFU? WTF? Check, check and check. I've never used synthetic division in the real world, but we wasted a few days on that.
Very true, Perdix. I doubt those kids will ever need to draw a diagram of the Loop of Henle in the real world, but they'll be able to tell co-workers, spouses, and maybe even their own kids one day, to go **** themselves. Now that's ejakashun!

Bah, those children will learn that word sooner or later anyway. This FML is a funny one unlike virtually every other one. FYL and I hope you won't get any lawsuits from kids' parents :)
yes, because a word can totally **** up peoples lives