By Anonymous - 23/09/2012 04:32 - United States

Today, I went to run an errand while my parents helped unpack boxes in my new house. When I returned, my dad said to me, "I wasn't going to say anything, but we 'did it.' I'll let you figure out which room." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 102
You deserved it 2 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think they took the term "house warming" the wrong way...

No harm done. They were just celebrating that you are moving out of their house. It is good to see thay still have some spark in their sex life. But if you really want to stir the pot just say "Not again. I played this guessing game last week when the neighbour came over to say goodbye."


At least they didn't take a dump in one of the rooms! You know now not to ask for their help next time!

Time to pull out the black light, like on CSI.

I would be pretty pissed. Obviously (well in most cases anyway, if they're still together) your parents have sex, but that doesn't mean you want to know about it. To do it in YOUR new house and then tell you about it is childish and inappropriate.

Really? It's not childish & inappropriate for kids to have sex in our house? Lol!! You guys are in for a rude awakening someday!

delicious69 5

That's awesome your dad is the man!! Now go to it them while they are out for a min..

perdix 29

So, while he should have been unpacking boxes, your Dad decided to a pack a particular box instead. ;) Anywho, I'm guessing "kitchen." Wear rubber gloves to wipe up any spilled mayonnaise (it's not mayonnaise!)

cheshireau 26

I hope your bed wasn't assembled.

You could tell them that you had sex in their bedroom last week all over the furniture...or you could kick them out of your new house, and disinfect the rooms.

At least you did not walk in on them when they were "Doing it!"

bigtime_rocker 11

Lol it's just payback for all the times you've had sex in their house.