By Anonymous - 23/09/2012 04:32 - United States

Today, I went to run an errand while my parents helped unpack boxes in my new house. When I returned, my dad said to me, "I wasn't going to say anything, but we 'did it.' I'll let you figure out which room." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 102
You deserved it 2 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think they took the term "house warming" the wrong way...

No harm done. They were just celebrating that you are moving out of their house. It is good to see thay still have some spark in their sex life. But if you really want to stir the pot just say "Not again. I played this guessing game last week when the neighbour came over to say goodbye."


HeyArnold91 8

After people have been married awhile random places spark their relationship, kudos to them for keeping it interesting

16- And by what method of deduction would you suggest Op use to figure it out? Sniffing counter tops? Licking bed spreads? Pestering his parents until they confess under duress? ;P Somehow, I don't believe Op would actually want to know this, and probably didn't look too hard into solving this case, Watson. ;)

You learned a valuable lesson - NEVER leave a couple alone in an uninitiated house.

Lol can you reply back so I can say I've talked to doc basterd

Just tell them not to worry because you ****** ***** in their bed whenever they went on vacation. Consider yourselves even.

sugarglitterkiss 4
Lucious306 7

That's kinda nasty. Good luck figuring out which room

Unlucky for you, but it sure gave me a laugh!! :D

Hahahahahahahahahaha. It's all I can say: Hahahahahahahahahaha. FYL

therealafroninga 10

I feel sorry for you, I mean, if that's ALL you can say.

Yea he probably has a hard time holding a decent conversation

Iknowsomestuff 9

Your dad is some secret keeper. He wasn't going to say anything... but then told you right away.