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By Thanks Santa - 17/12/2016 05:24

Today, 3 weeks after leaving my job, buying a larger car and moving to Ohio so my boyfriend could be near his family, he secretly drove my car and all my belongings back across several states just to break up with me. This was completely out of the blue while I was home visiting family for Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 563
You deserved it 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He never should have let you quit your job when he knew perfectly well that he was just waiting for an opportunity to make a break for it. Jesus, what a coward.


nesteremily 31

Report the car and all your stuff missing. Get his ass

Moot point since she has her stuff now.

As someone who also moved to Ohio under false pretenses--work, not romantic, thankfully--I can sympathize with OP, but I wholeheartedly agree with RichardPencil. Ohio is so awful I even miss Arkansas.

I grew up in Ohio. That probably explains a lot.

What an ass. Sorry op, sometimes people are just assholes

He never should have let you quit your job when he knew perfectly well that he was just waiting for an opportunity to make a break for it. Jesus, what a coward.

That's not on the boyfriend. That's on OP for giving him that power. Bet she'll think twice next time lol

She didn't "give him that power." They were in (what appeared to be) a committed relationship. OP likely didn't see this coming, or else she wouldn't have done it.

lilchica22001 22

#9 you are an absolute moron. I'm going to take a guess that you are single and with that attitude, probably will be for the rest of your life. Enjoy your mom's basement. Jerk.

16, far from living in my mom's basement. but thanks lol. At least I can form a coherent statement without taking something so personal. Relax, it's the internet.Why so bitter?

10, how is that not giving him all the power? She dropped her job, left her family to move with a boyfriend, not even a husband. She got what she deserved

#19, "not even a husband"? Really? Are we living in 1923?

20, no but look where chasing a boyfriend around got her. not far lol

KrazyKatz3 26

It is entirely possible the boyfriend thought this would last but moving in with the OP brought something up? Still a dick move of a break up and sucks that you gave up so much and he did that with no notice... hope you find somewhere to stay and have better luck with men

That's God's way of telling you to stay out of Ohio.

More astronauts come from Ohio than any other state. Clearly there is something about it that makes people want to leave the earth. Consider yourself lucky to get out before it was too late.

And Civil War generals who were worth a shit. Again, another excuse to leave Ohio.

I know relationship needs sacrifices but when you're doing all the contributing you know something is wrong.

My heart goes out for you OP, and I would follow #1's advice and report everything stolen, that way at least he can give it back...

lilchica22001 22

What a douchebag...I'm so sorry OP. Just be glad you didn't marry or have children with that asshat! Pick yourself up, find a better job and focus on yourself. You'll be ok...not to mention..karma will get him.