By me - 12/07/2011 04:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
Don't care
By grreeatttt - 31/01/2009 01:57 - United States
Stuck on amber
By stuck - 19/09/2011 19:31 - United States
By melikeyturtles - 02/11/2011 05:21 - United States
You got mail
By Awkwardly_dumped - 21/08/2018 14:30
By stunned - 15/03/2010 15:27 - United States
By Maddy - 10/03/2010 08:00 - United States
Off the top of my head…
By helplesslover - 04/10/2009 06:13 - United States
Don't do this to me
By backtosquareone - 04/10/2011 05:22 - Asia/Pacific Region
By Anonymous - 26/02/2022 21:00 - United Kingdom - Truro
By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 12:17 - United Kingdom
Top comments
I know it sounds gay but FIRST!!!
Epic fail. Like you- oh wait, you don't have one..
Wow, sounds like something a middle schooler would do. It's only been a month after all.
You don't know the dynamics of the relationship so you can't judge. A lot can happen in a month.
Well I'm trying not to judge here, so sorry. But unlike (I'm assuming he's now an ex) boyfriend, I like to keep things at a steady pace and not get too attached too quickly in case things like this happen. I know that her (ex) boyfriend is not me, so you don't have to remind me. I'm not trying to start an all out debate on the matter, I'm just voicing my opinion. That's what the comments are for, after all.
Why are you dating kindergardeners?
Seems like 2 hasn't been in a serious, commited relationship.. Maybe jerking off less to anime would help..
for all we know the guy has been wanting this girl for years and finally got his chance and she crushed him.
yeah if he had a crush on her for a year or do and she finally let him in and then dumped him, that would be horrible
38- I didn't say anything about "shut up" or "now let's just drop the matter" I'm just saying that I'd like it if people didn't argue because of my comment.
100- Well thank you, I'm glad I have your sympathy.
i prefer nookie to cookies
Lol seriously...
.....seriously 24? I had a boyfriend kind of like this. we only dated for three months and were in a casual relationship (as we both agreed to) and when I dumped him he was like "you make me ******* sick" and "I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!" I was like holy shit I dated a pussy...
Imagine how long he would have cried if you dumped him after a year:|
39- So wouldn't that make you a lesbian?
120- That sounds about right. She did say she dated a pussy sooo....
How could you be heartless?
You've got to be kidding me. What is she supposed to do, stay with a guy she clearly doesn't want to be with forever just because he'd be hurt if she broke up with him? If you don't want to be with someone, breaking up with them is FAR nicer than faking it. And there's nothing to indicate she did it in a mean way. All we know is that she did it in person, which is a point in her favor.
Kudos to you for breaking up with him in person rather than by text. He would have probably handled it much worse (like crying for 10 hours on your couch) if you did that.
This might come off a little (or a lot) asshole-ish/heartless, but I think in this situation I would prefer to have broke up via text. Him crying 10 hours somewhere else besides my sofa is better than him consuming 5 hours of my life sobbing like a maniac. Move on, plenty of fish in the sea. Seriously...
I just went through the same thing. Except we were at a park and for three hours he was trying to convince me I was wrong.
Perhaps you are his first, making him so emotional about it. And SMS is always the best.
I guess that you're one of those gutless and heartless people who never break up with someone face to face . please grow a pair :)
Breaking up with someone over text message is the worst possible way. It pretty much feels like your not even important enough to deal with in person.
you know what they say, God loves a crier.... oh wait
Well be happy you could dump him without the possibility of dying.
At least it wasn't in a crowded mall...
So true
an ya didnt get stabbed with a pen

Kudos to you for breaking up with him in person rather than by text. He would have probably handled it much worse (like crying for 10 hours on your couch) if you did that.
He's got some issues...