By Wmsys32pr9 - 30/03/2009 05:06 - United States

Today, a 7-year-old girl came up to me and told me to go fuck myself. I told her to watch her language or else I'd tell her parents. Her mom happened to be nearby and actually heard the conversation; she came up to me and told me to go fuck myself as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 638
You deserved it 80

Top comments

I hate little kids. Even worse, little kids with bad parents.

jaxx11 0

you should have said "if you just woulda ****** YOURself, we wouldn't have THIS (point at the kid) problem"


HellaNinjaXD 0

You have such a fantastic life, mate. :]

pssh who cares more like **** their lives

WHAT?! OMG if that was my kid, I'd backhand the shit out of her. And that "mother" should have her kid taken from her. Not good parenting at all.

Little brat needs an asswhooping with a branch.

in the end it's the mom who's ******. she's the one who raised a little shit

bad parents; i would've spanked my kid if she ever said that.

if a 7 year old is going to start saying **** myself, i'm going to start throwing C*nt around more often....

Wow. I'm so glad parents are setting good examples for their children...

I would have cursed right back at that bitch.