By M…… - 23/05/2011 19:14 - United Kingdom
By M…… - 23/05/2011 19:14 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 12/08/2013 23:58 - United States
By losing the plot - 08/04/2015 19:36 - United Kingdom - Bristol
By Ash - 14/06/2019 14:02
By Anonymous - 14/12/2012 23:12 - Denmark - Copenhagen
By Anonymous - 21/02/2014 09:59 - Russian Federation - Lipetsk
By megmo7 - 04/10/2010 08:24 - United States
By hawkknight - 23/02/2017 15:00 - United States - Portland
By Luke - 25/07/2010 22:47 - United Kingdom
By Coldandcalculated - 13/10/2021 02:00
By Lockout - 31/08/2015 20:01 - Germany - Kiel
does anyone know where to buy a bump key?
You don't buy them, you make them
sounds hard. a
Go to YouTube and type in " how to make a bump key"
and he will have to sleep on the couch! bitches!!
I'm a locksmith and I can tell you straight up that bump keys are a joke.. it takes so much time and practice to even attempt to use them and they only work like 2% of the time. the people with videos online have the locks modified to make it look super easy
well then
at least op didn't make the same mistake twi- oh wait..
um no..
um yes
ummmm im lost 0.o
Sounds like a sticKEY situation!!!! LOL
um no...
no need to be mean now. at least he tried
It was the "!!!" and "LOL" that killed it for me.
agreed. I hate over use of exclamations points. and Capitol lol's!!!! LOL
Go die.
your failed attempt at a joke makes me want to jump out of a window on a 50th floor apartment.
*crickets chirp as tumbleweed goes by*..... -_-
omfg u noob. lol jks, FYL.
says the one with the stupid and uneducated picture
then, how many times have you copied the other key because it didn't fit in your car door?
that make no sense consider it is a get for their APARTMENT door.
try again
Hits okay, wheel fore give u.
I wood just like two think you guys four making me laff. And OP is stupid, correct; however, I think that your error may have made your comment invalid. Sorry to disappoint you.
Did you just shove a kitten up your ass ?
No, 97 you just don't know when someone is telling a joke. Obviously we all aren't that stupid as to typing like that. Learn to laugh, then you can open your mouth.
100 you confuse me I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not
I thoroughly appreciated this thread. And Kidd, I think 100 meant 98, not 97. ;)
109 sorry about that, I was reading fast and didn't notice the intentional mistype.
Have you ever seen a dead mouse rape a mosquito ? I have.
wrong form of no...who let u out of the padded room in the crazy house
Ate the ******* walls off.
YDI for shoving the wrong key in your lock.
Poor man. You made him feel sorry for nothing.
It was the "!!!" and "LOL" that killed it for me.