By nonfreehugs - 04/10/2012 05:09 - United States - Seattle

Today, a classmate came up to me, quickly shoved a dollar bill down my shirt, threw her arms around me and told me to pretend I was her boyfriend to avoid some other guy. Sad thing is, this is the first girl I've hugged in ages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 721
You deserved it 2 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tne201992 12

She only gave you a dollar? What a cheap bitch!

You got your first hug and you made some money? Sounds like a good day to me.


ElishaisSexy2016 9
RedPillSucks 31
ElishaisSexy2016 9

She ripped you off, dude. Hugs are $5. Kisses are $8. And to creepily stalk and kill you... Gimme $20 Gimme $20 Gimme $20 (for those who don't know, it's a Slender ref.

Mah wife is in da club! Gimme 20 dallahs! This is THE WORST song to get stuck in your head. Good news is, it eliminates any fear you might have of Slender Man.

Either that, or play red light green light with him. He cheats a lot though.

I personally like throwing him a rave. PS now this song is in my head. Shit.

39 - I gotta look that up on YouTube or something. It sounds hilarious.

Step 1: Buy a shirt that says Free Hugs Step 2: Wear the shirt Step 3: Stand in a area populated with chics Step 4: Bring on the Free Hugs It's works bro, trust me

I got a shirt like that, works amazingly. This chick even gave me a hug and her number without me saying a word.

SApprentice 34

They have actually started trying to charge people with sexual harassment for wearing the 'free hugs' shirts and signs. At this rate hand-holding will soon be illegal...

If nothing else, now you have an opening to start a conversation with her. (And unless you were the only male in the vicinity, she did choose you to hug, and as someone others would believe she was dating.) Be friendly and not creepy about it, don't push anything, and you could become friends with her and possibly even start dating.

What if she liked him and it was her way of getting his attention? :O Cheap prices for easier attraction ;)

Shoving dollar bills down strangers clothing.. Only in America.

karen1991 15

Look at it this way, you get paid for being someone boyfriend for a few minutes...sounds like a good job to have. Now next girl in line!

"We don't have to pretend!" Is what I would've said

Does anyone else not quite understand the shoving a dollar bill down op's shirt ? Sounds a little striperish to me. She couldve just handed it to him afterwards.

delilah09 6

You're over-thinking it. If you're in a desperate situation you don't have time to think - you just have time to do! She was obviously trying really hard to avoid this person, so she panicked.

Good thing it wasn't a loonie it would have fallen through to the floor. If she stuffed it into your pants pocket she could've got to third base!

Now that's gonna confuse 90% of the non Canadians. "isn't a loon some type of duck/bird thing? What's with stuffing poultry down his shirt?"