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By wellfuckyoutoo - 24/11/2015 17:45 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, a close friend came over with her three-year-old son. The child used a crayon on the walls, flushed my money down the toilet, and threw up. My friend was seriously offended when I asked her to help me clean everything up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 756
You deserved it 1 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

A real friend would have offered to clean it up before you even asked.

I don't think I would invite her to my house again if that is how she is going to act.


I don't think I would invite her to my house again if that is how she is going to act.

A true friend would've apologized and cleaned up the mess for you...

mwali02 32

Absolutely. A real friend would already be cleaning that up before you even asked! How did they even make it to the close friend category? Sounds like a rotten friend and questionable parenting.

tell her, "no kid or no contact", or just make better class of friend

if I was you I wouldn't talk to her ever again, she's not a good friend if she doesn't help you with what her child did in the first place

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

A real friend would have offered to clean it up before you even asked.

meli1195 31

hate parents that don't deal with their kid's messes. some kid knocked over a mannequin and broke it at the store I work at the other day. the parents just looked and walked away.

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

One time at work, a kid climbed on and broke a sign that took me 20 minutes to set up. The mom just said "oh" then continued shopping. Not even a "I'm sorry". People suck.

Agree. OP end the friendship now. It's common courtesy and common sense to not have your kid act up in someone else's house and if they do she should have helped clean up (and depending on the kids age had the kid help as well) and just left. My son is one and when he makes a mess he asks for a napkin and cleans up after himself. We're not even strict with him we just teach him things happen but to respect people and places.

#16 your one year old asks for napkins? Impressive.

22 yes he does. He's such a handful but also such a great little guy and loves to help. But to be fair he's 21 months so almost 2.

MonstreBelle 29

I will never understand parents who behave this way. I would be SO embarrassed if my daughter made a mess and I had to be asked to help clean up her mess instead of just going ahead and doing it myself; let alone getting upset about being asked to clean up a mess my child made. And my daughter would definitely be helping. I know that I wouldn't even have to tell her, she would just do it.

Ha, guess I was mildly lucky once. Some kids purposefully made a mess in the restaurant I worked at long ago, and the parents asked me for cleaning utensils so their kids had to clean it up themselves. Good parenting then, the others are just dickbags.

Not a thing a friend OR parent should do. Even if we were in a strangers house or in a public place, my mom would make sure I clean up any messes I make.

39 The restaurant I worked at wouldn't allow guests to clean up after themselves. One time a large family had a reservation and had a separate kids table that was literally coated with rice and beans (Mexican restaurant) and the parents asked for at least a broom to hsve the kids help and my manager told me to tell them it's okay and we'll clean it. I said it nicely but they got offended somehow and left frustrated and didnt even leaving a nice tip. meh.

I almost got fired from a job for ignoring a customer because she was ignoring the mess her kid was making by knocking all the stuff off the shelves if just replenished.

countryb_cth 38

I can't believe you almost got fired for that. Like the kid is making a mess and the parent isn't doing anything, I personally wouldn't want to help them either. Probably would have told her if she wants my help she can clean up the mess her kid made first.

that's just a messy situation all around.

StiffPvtParts 43

Note to self: Don't ever have kids ( °~°)

Kids aren't the issue. Bad parenting is. The mom clearly has no sense of common courtesy so why would the child?

StiffPvtParts 43

You're right, and I couldn't agree more. I know it might seem a little extreme to say, but some people just shouldn't have kids.

Rawrshi 25

I guess they're going to be seriously offended when you tell them their child is no longer allowed in your house. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

olpally 32

Time for a new friend... Wow, she is really in denial. Smh.

She is not fit to be a parent if she doesn't take responsibility over her kid