By Nickel - 01/06/2017 04:00

Today, my mom's friend came over. She brought her son and claimed that we could have bonding time. I ended up chasing the five-year-old around the house for an hour. After they'd left, my mom saw that the little kid had broken a lamp and a clock. She then said I had to pay for it using my money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 931
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

orrr she could call mommy dearest and make her pay for her kids disaster.

they can take it out of the babysitting money they owe you.


That's pretty harsh OP!! Talk with your Mom, maybe she'll understand..

I think from the information given, we can safely say talking won't probably accomplish much.

orrr she could call mommy dearest and make her pay for her kids disaster.

they can take it out of the babysitting money they owe you.

If she comes over again and wants you to spend time with him, tell her you can't afford to pay for his breakages a second time.

something like this happened to me recently, I invited my girlfriends adopted brother, who is homeschooled and the only kid left in their house, to a bbq I was hosting at my house that would have kids his age so he could socialize. Kid repays the gesture by carving a "Jordan was here" message into my upstairs bathroom wall, and then vehemently denying he did it