By copper - 30/01/2011 02:20 - United States

Today, a cop pulled me over because there was a sign hidden behind a tree that said "No left turn". As I was getting my ticket, I watched as three cars turned left. The cop saw them, laughed, and said, "I guess you're the unlucky one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 941
You deserved it 3 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

Yeah thats just how cops are, thats why you always have to be careful no matter what. I got a speeding ticket last week because my car stood out from everyone elses going the same speed as me.

Gomerfied 7

Make sure you take a picture of the sign and fight that in it soon before they have a chance to trim the tree.


by law if it's not visible it's not valid go to court and win

cops abuse their power and tend to get lazy. i have personal experience with that too...

i am soo tired of people saying cops are "pigs" and that they are lazy and that most of them are assholes and dicks! only about 1 in a handful are actually assholes and abuse their power, dont lump the rest of them into the same category! they are not lazy, they keep you safe. and if you have ever had a run in with the police and you still say they were a dick then you probably were the one being an ass and they had to use force! so shut the hell up!...

All of you guys hate cops because you got caught. Stfu thank you.

fml_seriously316 13

Wtf! If I was a cop and I did that then saw that, I'd let the 1st person go!