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One stop cop shop

By Triumvirate - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned that making an illegal U-turn right after you see a cop doing one will not stop said cop from ticketing you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 790
You deserved it 42 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because the cop was being reckless doesn't mean you should be.

Cops get away with all. you just ha to learn that the hard way :-(


Just because the cop was being reckless doesn't mean you should be.

i dont get the last part, am i the only one?

Exactly, I don't know why the OP even had to have something like this happen to find out.

Lol true, op you should know better than to copy a cop, a cops excuse can be that he was responding to a call, and what's your excuse going to be?

lol at your butthurt rage "about me" that "you done care about" 2k paragraphs later and I have to say I beg to differ

haha he could say, he was also responding to a call

YDI haha i see cops breaking the law all the time. I would never copy one.

I saw a cop yesterday pull out during a red light to make a turn. My friends and I were pointing and laughing at the irony. I think he saw us because he backed back into the lane xD


dumbass lol thats why its illeagal and the police are allowed to make u turns and park anywhere the just cant speed unless giving chase or attempting to catch up to a speeder

KingDingALing 9

I ******* hate cops.... They're all assholes...

MissErikaHart 0

there are some "okay" cops out there.

azhein 0

yeah around here most the places you could make a u-turn at says for emergency vehicles only.

rciccone 0

so if a cop shot at someone ( which ofc they do ) does that mean u can too???

stephanie0613 0

Well they are risking their lives for all your sorry asses. That's why i want to be a sheriff, People like you annoy me. Why shouldn't they be able to park anywhere They do help a lot you know. Ugh stupid ignorant people.

treehugger121 0

I agree that they do help us out , but that shouldn't mean they can do whatever they want.

To everyone who says the cop is doing something illegal STFU Emergency vehicles are legally allowed to make U-turns and clearly they need to with people who apparently have not much common sense. Just wait till you can turn around no need to rush it. YDI for blaming others for your problems.

Cops are asshole pigs who abuse their power. If he was responding to a call, then why would he have time to stop someone for something so stupid? He was just in a situation where he did what he wanted because he knew he could [unfairly] get away with it. Don't you just love our society?

actually it's illegal for them to speed no matter what. a cop told me..

Cops get away with all. you just ha to learn that the hard way :-(

fmlbrooo 0

Actually in the US if you see a cop do something illegal like run a red light then you can get the cars number from the side and report them!

treehugger121 0

Yes 119, but that's only if their sirens are on. Since that means there is an emergency. But if they don't have their lights on they shouldn't be able to do whatever. The laws are there for a reason so even they should be made to obey them.

will not stop said cop after ticketing you? what??

how do you not get this? will not stop said cop (cop that just did the u-turn before him) from ticketing him. there is no "after" but there is a "from".

lionandthelamb61 9

The cop made an illegal U-turn and then gave the OP a ticket for making the same turn right after him, what do you not get???

wow my comment sounds like I'm being a pampas ass. well if it shows back up if not then this might make me sound like a but case lol.

lionandthelamb61 9

Said = previously mentioned. Like this: I bought a flower and watered it. Then, said flower grew up to be a flytrap and ate a fly. Said fly died.

#3 - mega fail. And you don't look young enough to not know this

^ you megafail! Maybe English isn't his first language, so stfu!

It really doesn't make sense to me either. Where the fluffers does the word 'said' come from. OP, please I beg you, go back to English class.

You can refer to the cop you just mentioned, because you just 'said' about him. Therefore he is 'said' cop. OP has good vocabulary, you're all thick.

Go back to English class? Really? This was said A) about a perfectly grammatically correct statement B) by someone who calls herself "gurlie." Was that clear?

FFML_314 11

I don't understand how people are having such a hard time comprehending this FML. If you don't get it, there's no point in explaining it to you. Go back to your holes.

missrawrzy 0

Ok to everyone saying "how do u not get this?!" don't act like you have never understood an fml to

FFML_314 11

I can say with all honesty, I have yet to read an FML and say/think "I don't get it."

Why the **** are you talking about yourself. ********

alright "gurlie". Calm down. Then realize why you are an idiot. While this FML is badly written it's only confusing if you're the kind if person who "reads" by scanning and not actually reading.

BadasS14 0
SGal25 5

Ummm, it is proper English. Maybe u should go back to school not op....

Gurlie, to whom was that "********" directed? Please please please say it was for me. Oh, please.

Lol "gurlie" why didn't you just say, "I know you are, but what am I?" Or, " You're rubber I'm glue..." Etc. Retard. Although maybe we shouldn't be so hard on her- she is from LA, land of plastic, ditzy, barbie doll women

I hate being a hardass about grammar, spelling and punctuation but the absurdity of being corrected by people who suck at all three is unbelievable. You forgot the comma before "but"

* I hate being a hard-ass about grammar, spelling, and punctuation, but the absurdity of being corrected by people who suck at all three is unbelievable. (Sorry... couldn't resist....)

xBIG_Dx 0

67 hahaha gurlie is retarded af

for the record dumbass, LAX means lacross!

LAX=Airport Lacrosse=Sport Lacross=You're a dumbass

you go back to English class said is a commonly used word, including in said context.

ChelseaxNoellie 12

I so wish I could "thumbs up" this comment..

FFML_314 11

No, but it will stop said cop from raping you in a dark alley with his nightstick.

I seem to recall perdix saying something about a similar placement of the back end of a mop handle. Is this some kind of commenting trend with which I'm not familiar?

sourgirl101 28

What do you want to do to your dad? Kinky!

Razabin 15

you just basically said "**** your dad"

having a cop dad sucks, so yes **** all the police.

Sadly most cops do act like they are above the law whether they were responding to a call or not. I was late for work and followed a cop doing 7O on the highway. The speed here is 55. He rushed to get a burger, cause I was the one to take his order. He was SO MAD that he was caught lol

Cyosaric 0

What...? You're saying you're the cashier?

FYLDeep 25

Yeah, and next time you run around saying hateful racist remarks and beating minorities, are you going to say you thought it was okay because you saw a cop do it?

Hey, there's a thought. Wait... Will I get videotaped like *they* do?

FYLDeep 25

No, no, no aardvarkish, I was advocating against doing such things, not trying to come up with a defense. I guess I shouldn't imply so much around you guys. I forget how evil everyone is.

114, I can't stop myself... I must... You have driven me to it... The compelling urge is too much... "KILL WHITIE!!!" Whew! Glad we got that over with...

#51 stated: "for the record dumbass, LAX means lacross!" Actually LAX is more closely related to the Los Angeles International Airport, also known as LAX. In fact, more people will read LAX as such because it's an international airport and nobody really follows Lacrosse all that closely.

3ddie_the_head 0