By Anonymous - 06/11/2009 03:29 - Australia

Today, a customer complimented me on how good I looked for my age. She thought I was in my forties. I'm 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 336
You deserved it 4 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Just think, when you reach 40, you'll look good for someone who should have died 10 years ago. You could be the hottest cougar at your high school prom.

meth combined with a lack of sleep will do that to ya but hey, at least you can fool guys into thinking you're a cougar now! rawrrr


martic835 2

I've always been tall for my age and my younger sister is on the shrimpier side. When I was 10 and she was 8 my dad took us to the movies. He gave us our tickets for a PG-13 movie. I gave the woman my ticket she looked at my sister who was behind me and said, "hurry up little girl and catch up to your mommy." She thought I was my sister's mom.

what's funny is you want to look older when ur young. and when ur old, u wNt to look young.

jen_ray22 0

ur ass is pooping out of mine so please hold it in!

88sforlife 0

maybe this means you'll get an extra 20 years of being a cougar .

CRaynee 10

Don't feel bad i'm on fourteen and people ask me what college i plan on going too ALL the time.

Maybe you should try to go for a more natural look or dress more like a teenager

way to be bud , maybe you just have one of "those" faces