By sorrynotsorry - 19/08/2014 02:59 - United States - Vancouver

Today, a customer told my boss I was too pushy because I asked her what bra size she wears. I work at a lingerie store. I got a stern lecture from my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 875
You deserved it 3 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bra-size-guessing abilities, activate! Seriously though, how else were you supposed to help her?

that is horrible! at least you were doing your job tho. :o


MzZombicidal 36

It's always tough when you get yelled at for literally doing your job... Just keep it up, OP. :) A good thing about this site is that plenty of people can relate.

91hayek 31

That's already a difficult job dealing with other people's intimates; having the tact to help them while still making sales is already an achievement. Sorry that you had one bad customer though; I'd tell you my bra size if I actually did need one.

triplebeerox 27

I feel there is more to the story. Most sane people know that when you go to a lingerie store you are going to have to give your size. Maybe OP asked in a way that made her seem pushy. It just doesn't make sense to me that OP would get a lecture if there actually weren't some truth behind the complaint.

I wouldn't think I would have to give my bra size unless I asked a sales rep to get a bra for me off the showroom floor (if I'm in the fitting room) or out of storage.

#22 - It's a standard in every lingerie store I have been in. I was shopping for bras just last week and was asked within seconds of walking in. I assume it's so the salesperson can point me to a line with my size or give me suggestions. It's not my favorite conversation, since I prefer to do my own thing and get out asap but I'm not going to begrudge an employee for doing their job the way they were trained to do (especially since I bet they would be reprimanded for NOT asking)

43- that's certainly not how they do it where I live. They'll ask if you need help with anything, but I have never been asked my bra size unless I went up to an employee and said "I can't find this in my size", and then they ask what size I need. I'm not saying the customer should have made that big a deal of it, but I would definitely have been put off if I walked in and immediately got asked my bra size. That's not something you need to ask unless the customer has indicated they need help finding the right size.

This means that your boss doesn't even know what your job is!

No, it means your boss is too weak-willed to use common sense. She can listen to the complaining customer, but if she doesn't see a real problem, she doesn't need to discipline you the complaint.

Same here, elderly ladies do not like to be asked about their bra sizes, they would expect you to atleast ask if they would like to come into a stall and get their bra fitted for them or for you to guess their size if no stalls like that arent present (highly unlikely since you do work at a lingerie shop) if the customer is elderly then im going to have to say YDI, you shouldve been taught different age groups like to be treated differently. otherwise FYL.

plot twist: all the customer wanted was a gift card

I like how all you got was dislikes for a funny comment

Working in customer service is probably the worst idea I've ever had, dealing with people who think they know your job better than you. I can't believe you got in trouble with your boss though, you were only doing your job and most customers would be thankful you were trying to help rather than leaving them to make a mess of things. Unfortunately 'the customer is always right' but obviously that ******** never worked in customer service ;)

SharnaaaBanana 22

The reason I avoid bra shops - so embarrassing. Just let me look around a bit before approaching me and trying to observe the size of my boobs

RedPillSucks 31

I'm so sorry, but I don't actually work there. I WAS just looking at your boobs.

I suppose questions about her penis would be inappropriate too. And whatever you do, don't ask questions about her mustache either.

Maybe the customer was just browsing and didn't want any help and she probably thought you being too pushy about asking what size she was, when she didn't actually want to buy anything and she was just looking around. I know the OP was just doing her job, but instead of asking what size she was straight away and making the customer feel she has to buy a bra, the OP should just have asked did she need any help first and if the customer said no, then leave her alone until she asks for help herself...