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By inosehowthatgotthere - 10/02/2011 01:12 - United States

Today, the woman giving me a manicure found a booger under one of my fingernails. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 355
You deserved it 52 588

Same thing different taste


babyale760 0

you must of forgotten that you left it there

the first reaction for everyone wil be ew WTF dude

I_R_Genius 3

Damn, a lot of crazy shit is going down in Ohio. Man I wish that shit would come my way.

JustStopSucking 0

that's better than your dentist finding a booger!

that's so ******* sick learn to wash your hands and scrub your nails over and under you sick freak!!!!

mintcar 9

Ew dude WTF? There's nothing wrong with picking your nose but learn to keep clean. Sheesh!

I just pray she wasn't picking someone else's nose.

TheDrop 0

having a foot fetish isnt weird. I have boogers under my toenails all the time

Kelita 0

That is very nasty. I don't feel bad for her, I feel bad for the woman that had to do her nails.

Kelita 0

#28.....all I can say to you is EW.

That's not disgusting; that's quite gifted, being able to pick her nose with her toes. I wish I could do that.

kbourco 0

Meeeeee too. I'm about to start school for this, reallllllly hope it never happens to me!!

Lol. i want to know your excuse for the booger ;]. how does she know its boogers? tell her its likee brocolil o_o

#41 his comment is the OP's name -.- he just added "LOL" ...

allmidnighteyes what you wrote on your page wa spoken like a true Asian

I'm obsessed with midnight but not in a weird stalker way.

well, for those with picky tastes, homemade is always the best. make and pack your own snacks - and if anyone boogers you about it, it's snot any of their business! why don't mucus out your manicurist.

no . just no . it makes me wanna slap you untill you stfu :3

that's just how i like it, sweetcheeks. ;)

kcnutt10 1

I have to agree, 7. You tried and you failed. Miserably. Please, for the sake of all humanity, never attempt anything like this ever again.

blkandredenvy 0

hahaha FAIL on ur part #7. just start hiding in ur closet.

ergo_fml 13

I thought this was pretty brilliant.