By Anonymous - 17/04/2016 17:27 - Austria - Vienna

Today, a drunk woman kicked me in the balls for not buying her another drink. That's the closest thing to intimacy I've ever experienced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 292
You deserved it 1 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, some people have to pay good money to have someone do that to them!

Chin up OP your time will come, and hopefully it won't be from some psycho at a bar


Hey, some people have to pay good money to have someone do that to them!

Look on the bright side OP you definitely don't have an std!

They could have gotten one from parents

Chin up OP your time will come, and hopefully it won't be from some psycho at a bar

drayloon 50

I don't suppose you have a foot fetish by any chance?

I was thinking more along the lines of masochism

Don't worry, OP. You were once pushed out of somebody's ******.

Not if the OP was cut out of an abdomen.

gabechriswill 19

Wow, what a bitch. Find a girl who knows how to properly handle your jewels, OP. Good luck

If the roles were reversed it would be national news

If the roles were reversed, it would be a spaceship that makes BZZZZZZZ sounds and has lasers! Seriously, if you trust your gut feeling, you can make any claim you want. But statistics suggest instances of violence against women are under reported, so you couldn't be farther from the truth.

It would not be national news. Violence against men isn't taken serious enough but that's just silly. Women get attacked in the streets every day, is it always on national news? No

There needs to be more awareness of violence/sexual assault on males but discrediting female victims is no way to do that. It just makes you look petty and vindictive.

A bar isn't the best setting to find intimacy. Sex, on the other hand, bars and parties if you want no strings.