By agent_awesome - 21/09/2011 15:25 - United Kingdom

Today, a fly got stuck up my nose while I was giving a speech. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 662
You deserved it 2 625

agent_awesome tells us more.

i popped it out by holding down the other nostril and was awkward. but atleast i gave the people a story to tell. one day when its not so fresh i will look back and laugh...i hope

Top comments


decidedlyvague 11

at least there wasn't a cat. and it least it wasn't biting your dick. and at least it wasn't a carrier of aids.

decidedlyvague 11

Sorry if you didn't like the comment. It brings back bad memories :'(

really your crying about that! stop being a Bitch!

I would have said gotten a tissue, blew it out, screamed gross, and shown everybody the fly to prove it just went up my nose, so it doesn't seem like I just have a lot of snot.

DreBeezy 9
msmoosey 9

Haha! You poor thing! The worst part is, even after it goes, your nose still feels weird and like there's something up there!