By Anonymous - 22/01/2011 09:03 - United States

Today, a friend and I saw some deer outside my car. Since we were both leaving for college the next day we wanted to do something memorable so we decided to chase the deer. Turns out the deer wanted to chase us too. We ran for over five minutes screaming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 772
You deserved it 54 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TaylorTotsYumm 10

At least you'll remember it forever.

you_failed 15

Wow! That's scary! D: But that's what you get for trying to mess with the wild you hoodlum! :P


rsmmsm 1

I find this unlikely. unless you're the flash, I don't think humans can outrun deer for five minutes, let alone 5 seconds.

lmbo how stupid can you be.. i say this in the nicest way possible :)

What is memorable about chasing deer? At least what happened now you'll probably never forget! Oh btw you do deserve what you got!

DakotaCat 4

Dumbasses! You're supposed to shoot the dear, serve the meat for dinner and mount the head on a wall..

leeesuhhh 0

you guys definitely deserve it, but hey, atleast you'll never forget this!

EmBayBee 0

Baha, well at least you'll remember it. But chasing deer? Bad idea.