By batman123 - 21/02/2009 02:42 - Canada

Today, a girl I really liked mentioned she's home alone and that she was really really lonely. She offered for me to come over and watch a few movies with her, and as I got prepared to leave she sent me a text saying " can you pick up my friend Spencer? " FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 151
You deserved it 3 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spencer_fml 0

damn everybody you dont even know me, im kidding, sorry man that sucks.

Diabeetus 0

I've met several Spencer's. All of them are douchebags. For future reference, I would suggest heading on over and pretending like you never saw the text.


yeah um... I'm agreeing with #40. If she hasn't even told you that she likes you back then she probably just wanted some friends over. She wasn't like, "Come over so we can do shit" but w/e. And #33, you just made my day.

Nothing is better then a little competition on who gets the girl. Tell her how you feel and she'll either reject you or get with you. Or just delete the text like if nothing happened.

So FYL because you are gonna hang out with the girl you like with one extra person? What, you think ur life if ****** because there will be a guy to stop you rhaping her? OP, you seriously need to brake in the friend zone before speeding into love land because the way you are complaining just because you wont be alone with your crush is pretty pathetic. Think of it this way: At least you actually have the chance to hang out with her house! Most people dont even get to befriend their crush!

alex13013_fml 0

My Friend Spencer is the name of a movie... you all just got owned by OP

She is using the OP because he has a car and can drive since Loser Spencer and the girl can't drive because they fail at life. Never drive either of them period. If they think you are a bad friend, become one and rat the living hell out of them.

jason2468 0

my friend was home alone yesterday...creepy

I agree the are dipshits who are full of themselves

We have an expetion for this in Norway. Luremus directy translated it's "trickery pussy" **** your life