By Anonymous - 27/05/2011 23:30 - United States

Today, a girl I've been crushing on for over a year finally gave me her number. I lost the note at home, but found it a few hours later. I excitedly called, only to find she'd written down the number for the local Pizza Hut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 948
You deserved it 4 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least they will be at your house in 30 minutes or less..

mmsdrummer51 3

so order 500 pizzas and send them to her house


mmsdrummer51 3

so order 500 pizzas and send them to her house

logcabin69 0

haha!! that's what I would do!

if he doesn't know her number, why would he know her address? lol

and it would be with his own money so that makes it a fail idea

What a witch! I'm sorry OP. Now you know she's not worth your time or attention!

well obv shes a fatty if she knows the # to order pizza off the top of her head..

kiaralove53 0

It also might be the fake number she uses for numerous guys.

Look at my profile picture. That guy also knows the number to the local Pizza Hut off the top of his head.

hahaa, that's what i said! I mean that's just kinda weird if she knows it

the commercials are pretty catchy. I've never ordered a pizza but I know the number. I prefer my delissio not delivery

Bellacanfixit 2

Well she sounds just awful. Forget her OP, you deserve better :)

it's pathetic she has the pizza hut fone # memorized I mean who knows that

I do! it's the same number for every pizza hut. the only difference is the area code

Don't you know? Girls always do that if they don't want to talk to you! Did you get the hint?

I'd call and order her a bunch of pizza to wherever she is, school, work etc.