By Anonymous - 27/05/2011 23:30 - United States

Today, a girl I've been crushing on for over a year finally gave me her number. I lost the note at home, but found it a few hours later. I excitedly called, only to find she'd written down the number for the local Pizza Hut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 948
You deserved it 4 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least they will be at your house in 30 minutes or less..

mmsdrummer51 3

so order 500 pizzas and send them to her house


She's more of a loser than you are OP! Either she can't cook and eats a lot of pizza, or she has a crush on the pizza guy... Why memorize that number really?

Fyl OP, same thing happened to me I didn't have the confidence to ask her out and now she is graduating and I know it's my fault for not making a move. ):

Then she definitely isn't worth your time.

wannabesinger 16
VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Was your last crush a saucy redhead named Wendy?

hahaha the office! best thing ever. "could an average sized rowboat support her?" that's a win

Hint to Anonymous: women only pull that trick with persistent creepy guys. Might want to change your approach.

Zdog101 0

at least now u now were to call for the first date

I hate when girls do that. It makes a good chunk of the female population of girls look bad and untrustworthy because it's like a chain reaction because they pass on the idea. I've had girls do that to me before, I just make them look stupid and then they stop. No wonder so many guys aren't wanting to get married nowadays, even though I was married once, but it's always to the older and more mature woman. I feel for yah bro. I'd just go up to her and thank her for giving you the number to your favourite pizza hut, make her look like a douche. I only think it's okay to do that if the number was given to a guy/girl who was drunk and either intentionally or unintentionally makes them look unappealing. But all in all, it's just plain rude and immature. Some girls should just grow up and act like adults.

Interesting... do you do that before or AFTER you hide the girl's dead bodies?

atomicbaboon 0

girls who do that make the whole female population of girls look bad? is there a female population of boys as well? and if so, does this act make them look bad?

where did I say whole????? I said a good chunk. Yet nothing was said about hiding a body, you said that. When it comes to boys... girls do stuff to make guys give them a fake number. They just don't realize it because they think all boys are too stupid to notice, when really, it's the opposite. I've lived in 3 countries and all the girls are the same.

That0therguy 4

I'm commenting to say that that comment was too long and it gave me a seizer. I will find you.

It's a safer way to reject someone. There's a lot of entitled guys who won't take no for an answer

ugh some people are just so immature, its her loss on to rhe next