By Kin - 25/10/2009 20:48 - United States

Today, a girl I've liked for several years gave me her number. Finally, I worked up the courage to call her. It was a suicide help line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 185
You deserved it 3 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dcvictorious 0

I'm more worried that she knew if off by heart tbh mate. FHL.


rain_or_shine 8

That's plain mean. Don't waste your time trying to get attention from her again.Try to meet someone new.

You would only be able to recite such a number if you had the need to be prepared. How many times a day does she feel the need to reject someone?

cold. heart. bitch. maybe she'll get fat in college then she'll wish she had been nicer to you ^-^