By Princeton - 22/01/2009 20:34 - United States

Today, a girl invited me over to her dorm room at 3 AM. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to respond to e-mails just before. She said she was tired and then went to bed. I'm a F*ing idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 764
You deserved it 47 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christopherlove 0

[quote]I'm a ******* idiot.[/quote] Nope, you're just an idiot.

are you serious? honestly u deserved that lost a chance to get laid man.


Oh well, you should have gone, you didn't, you didn't get some. You'll have other chances (maybe not as easy, but still).

She wasn't "too tired". Another guy answered her booty call and got there first. She got what she wanted, and had the presence of mind to cancel her order for your d*ck. : ) Sucks to be you, but you probably didn't really want THAT anyway.


wow. lets see a girl just invited me to her dorm and its three o' clock. since im up i might as well check my email get it out of the way. whoa... email should not even cross your mind when that shit happens.

ilaaFML 0

lolfail. i'm a thirteen year old and i know better. i'd say better luck next time, but i don't think there'll be one.

At least you are a man of principles. Yet those rarely get you laid.