By poncho55 - 21/02/2015 20:28
poncho55 tells us more.
No worries, he's okay now. :) Later on in the day, he laughed about it and thought it was pretty hilarious, which is good because I felt pretty bad about biting him.
Top comments
Well shit...
at least you can protect yourself
Yeah I once saved the world in a dream, so I'm pretty sure if need be I could do it again in real life.
We will call upon you in times of crisis, ADHD Dude. When the world is in peril, guide us to safety.
it's ture
Tell that to her husband.
In my dreams I can't even scream, let alone defend myself :(
#5 From dream muggers!
#28: STFU and take some advice from Jim Jeffries.
Let's play "Find the Liberal!"
Why would your reaction be to bite when being mugged?
You're right, OP should just allow herself to be mugged and do nothing about it.
It was a dream #6.
#6 Human jaw is actually very strong. A person can bite off a person's finger with the same amount of force they use to bite a carrot. So biting is a useful tool.
That's false, #23. A carrot is incredibly easy to bite through. If you bit a finger with the same force you would use to bite a carrot, you wouldn't even break the skin. And yeah, while it is possible to bite a finger off, it's hard to do. Can you bite a chicken wing in half? Because finger bones are stronger than they are. Plus, even if you managed to bite through the bone, there's still the skin, muscle and tendon to go through, all of which are very elastic and hard to bite through. Sorry. Just sick of hearing the "you can bite through a finger as easily as a carrot" myth.
Btw biting is a human skill not a tool lol
Actually you can do it. but you have to bite in between the joints. Not exactly an easy thing to do whilst being mugged but theoretically possible.
#47 actually it is true, except our brain stops of from doing so naturally because, well, ew. But I read it in my anatomy book while taking my massage therapy course.
Oh no! What part did you bite?
Bit it straight off
Well, if it was a finger she bit straight off, it can join the one I've got waiting and waiting for biohazardous waste pickup.
i guess that was a BIT of a mistake
Ba dum tssss.
I dont think my first reaction would be to BITE someone. if you draw blood you can get all kinds of nasty things.
Oh no, your poor husband!
No worries, he's okay now. :) Later on in the day, he laughed about it and thought it was pretty hilarious, which is good because I felt pretty bad about biting him.
I'm pretty sure if I had done something similar to mine he would make Hannibal jokes at me all day.
Relationship goals right there
Parasomnia. Google it
I did the same thing to my fiancé when i slept over at his house one night. He mostly forgot it but when he remembers he jokes about to make me blush cause i still get embarrassed by it
He secretly liked it

Well shit...
Oh no, your poor husband!