By me - 12/03/2012 02:49 - United States

Today, a guy came by my house and demanded my fiancé come out and fight. He explained that my fiancé had been stupid enough to not only troll on a local interest forum, but to leave his name and our address, inviting people to "come shut me up if you think you're tough enough." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 107
You deserved it 3 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he is willing to stand behind his words rather than hiding behind a screen.

He thinks he is tough? Tell him that if he thinks so, that he should show up to my door. Name: P. Sherman Address: 128 wallaby way Sydney


At least he isn't a punk like so many others who talk smack on the web but won't throw a punch in real life.

Pebbles89 9

Really?! Because that's not dumb at all to give your damn address out to a bunch of trolls. Genius!

How sweet that he puts your safety first... What if the next guy is a rapist or some shit? FYL.

pinky78711 5

he has guts which many lacking these days.

Anyone can talk shit, get outside and be man.

u002764 3

It was probably his ex that posted it. Hmmm. Gives me ideas.