By bananamontana85 - 17/02/2013 10:20 - United Kingdom - Wigan
bananamontana85 tells us more.
To be fair, my Fiance and friend were just giving me a bit of joky banter. Obviously I wouldn't want to marry the guy if he couldn't stand the sight of me without make-up! As for the guy who wolf-whistled me... good for him, I hope I made his day. Fair enough if people get offended by it, but I don't :)
Top comments
that sucks, especially coming from your fiance. they should always think you're beautiful!
I always found that kind of silly. My best friend never calls me names and vice versa.
There's one way the fiancé can say she's not beautiful: after they break up.
No one is beautiful 24/7. It is ok to hear that you aren't pretty/handsome every once in a while. But I think OP's fiancé and friend were just joking lol.
No good ever seems to come from bragging to people, OP, sorry
You have absolutely no evidence that OP was bragging. Please stfu.
"Feeling rather pleased about it, I told my best friend and fiancé"
She was just simply feeling joyful to be acknowledged when she thought she didn't look good. Hardly bragging. And Op, hate to say it, but maybe he did it sarcastically. Or maybe you're just that hot ;)
34: still sounds like bragging. now, I'm not saying she waltzed into the room shouting "hey assfaces, guess who's the finest snatch this side of the pond?" or anything, but telling the story of how a guy whistled at you is different than telling friends you felt attractive because someone acknowledged you in a way that connotes sexual desire. also, we don't know if the fiancé and BFF said the guy was on drugs off-handedly, though that might just be me since I say everybody's on drugs...
#31 and #40, it's entirely possible to be pleased by something and later relate the story without actually bragging. Just saying.
I bet you looked beautiful! Don't let jealous people bring you down!
If you don't want a buzz kill, don't risk it by saying something.
FYL. Your fiancé should have agreed with the guy that wolf-whistled
her fiancé probably got jealous in this case
He could only get jealous from this if he's an insecure twit.
He has no reason to be jealous. He is the one marrying her! Unless the fiancee can't whistle, then I guess he can be Jealous of his whistling abilities.
To be fair, make-up does wonders for women with bad skin (like me). Which isn't to say that there aren't the girls who look amazing without makeup. But sometimes it's just nice to have the option of covering things like pores, redness, pimples, or scars. Makes me feel like my skin is "glowing". And it a girl knows how to apply it properly, it can be hard to tell if she's even wearing any (which IMO should be the point of makeup. It's there to cover flaws and enhance features you want enhanced. Don't just slather it on for the Oompa Loompa look).
Your best friend and fiancé are idiots! They're completely wrong. What the hell are they thinking? The guy was obviously whistling at the hotty behind you.
Ahh the classic butter face. Everything good but her face.
OR maybe, the bestfriend and the fiancé were joking
Sorry op, that must have taken a knock to your self confidence.. Maybe keep it to yourself next time. Ignorance is bliss
I just want to know, what the hell is going on in your profile picture?
Well it would appear that the girl in the pic is either: A) just randomly really happy B) being pleasured by someone... or something.
I don't think ignorance is bliss works in this case
Ignorance is bliss: goes on with her day thinking she's hot stuff because she's ignorant about her friends and fiancés negative opinion of her. Ergo ignorance is bliss. And it's A, randomly really happy.
why would you tell someone about that? and what was that about 'feeling pleased"? o.O
Maybe because she was happy about it and wanted to share it? And you do know that pleasure doesn't exclusively mean something "dirty," right?
I can't see how someone's lack of manners is a good thing. he didn't compliment her, he wolf-whistled, for crying out loud! it's considered rude and humiliating, is it not? and the moment you start bragging about it (dafuq, really?!) you accept that attitude so to all those comments 'oh you're beautiful and they're just jealous' - maybe the guys didn't like fishing for compliments (they usually don't) and felt like a little trolling
While a lot of people feel humiliated when guys catcall and wolf-whistle at them, OP obviously took it as a compliment. You might want to chill out a bit there, #64, because you're getting dangerously close to sounding like a Tumblr Feminist.

that sucks, especially coming from your fiance. they should always think you're beautiful!
Your best friend and fiancé are idiots! They're completely wrong. What the hell are they thinking? The guy was obviously whistling at the hotty behind you.