By bananamontana85 - 17/02/2013 10:20 - United Kingdom - Wigan
bananamontana85 tells us more.
To be fair, my Fiance and friend were just giving me a bit of joky banter. Obviously I wouldn't want to marry the guy if he couldn't stand the sight of me without make-up! As for the guy who wolf-whistled me... good for him, I hope I made his day. Fair enough if people get offended by it, but I don't :)
Top comments
Maybe he was really ****** up on bath salts, in which case you should pray to Lord Xenu that you were spared from his flesh eating rampage.
I find it sad that a woman could feel 'pleased' about some random stranger wolf-whistling at her like she's some sort of sexual object. Shouldn't we be beyond that, ladies?
Oooor...she could take it to mean that she looks good? Are we really beyond people thinking positively of themselves? What's wrong with a woman thinking she looks beautiful?
Nothing's wrong with a woman wanting to feel beautiful. That, I'm okay with. But a woman shouldn't validate bad behavior by being pleased when somebody wolf-whistles at her on the street. That's just tacky.
I suppose that's where we have a difference of opinion. Yes, being told you're beautiful is absolutely a compliment. To me, being wolf-whistled at is not.
Holy run-on sentence, Batman! But seriously, I agree with 50. Serisent, everyone has their own way of complimenting someone. Wolf-whistle or not, it's the thought that counts.
They couldn't possibly have been joking? I tease good friends and my partner like that all the time. OP should consider developing a sense of humor.
Well, to be honest, I don't think there was any reason to brag to your fiance that some guy whistled at you... I know it was an innocent comment but maybe you wouldn't have felt very comfortable if he did that to you, too.
maybe the guy finds women wearing comfy joggers, no makeup and their hair scraped back hot when he's on hallucinatory drugs. In that case, he still finds you hot. OP shouldn't be complaining.
Well at least someone made you feel good about yourself OP
I find it a breath of fresh air when I see a girl with no make-up on and dressed down. Girls do not need to be dolled up all the time; and if you like that comfy look and dressing down kudos to you OP. God knows there aren't many girls that are willing to do that.
Hahaha, aww your fiance and bff are just afraid you'll figure out you're so much better looking than them! Give 'em nothing OP! >:D I'm sure you've got the goods if your worst can turn heads all over the place! :)
They're probably jealous
Of course OP told her fiancé about what happened. It was something interesting that popped up during her day, something out of the norm. If sharing that kind of thing with your partner would piss them off so much that you would rather keep quiet, then maybe it's time to find a new relationship. Relationships require communication, and you have to be able to talk about your days with one another without fear of judgement or anger. The FML makes it sound like her bestfriend was physically there as well as her fiancé when she was talking about what happened, so it doesn't even seem like she was bragging about it or even that she mentioned it more than once. Personally, I find wolf whistles derogatory. I don't see the pleasure in them, but there's nothing wrong with being happy every now and then that you're pretty. OP, I'm sorry they were such dicks to you. Maybe they were just joking? I really hope that this isn't a regular happening with them. If they have such low self-esteem issues that they have to put you down and make you feel bad about yourself whenever you try to share something with them, then maybe it's time to reevaluate your position with them. You don't need to tolerate emotional abuse.
well i agree with you - no idea why you are being thumbed down.
44- Which would be why, if you can read, I did suggest that they had said it jokingly. I also said that if they did this often, if this was common for them, then she needs to consider cutting them out. You don't know the situation any better than I do, and there's nothing wrong with covering both angles of thought with this FML. 41- It's okay, I don't mind. It's because of how long my post is, some people don't agree with the comment, and others just don't like how I tend to come off as preachy and want me to get the **** off my high horse. I don't really care about thumbs, I just like contributing my thoughts occasionally.
45: well, apparently neither of us can read, as I never said you didn't mention the possibility of it being a joke. I was simply saying, as you also mentioned, many would lot themselves with all the "tl;dr" crowd and probably assume the gist was the main thesis of the other 99% of what you wrote. geez.
49- You said, "probably because, and this just might be me, there's a chance that her friends said so jokingly?". That heavily implies that I hadn't thought about it or mentioned it, that only you and not I had considered that. Your first reply was snapping at me for saying that it could be abuse, and your second was attacking me for making a comment too long for people to want to read. You didn't mention anything about my comment being too long for the 'tl;dr' people to read until after I had pointed out that you yourself had missed part of it.
72: I apologize for having said anything at all, particularly because my first comment wasn't directed towards you at all. and my second comment was not an "attack," I was simply explaining the comment you insulted me over, as I believed that saying people would avoid the comment due to it's length was heavily implied. my context clues were either lacking or eluded you. I'm sorry you took the comments so personally.

that sucks, especially coming from your fiance. they should always think you're beautiful!
Your best friend and fiancé are idiots! They're completely wrong. What the hell are they thinking? The guy was obviously whistling at the hotty behind you.