By em from Cali - 28/07/2012 08:07 - United States - Visalia

Today, a homeless lady decided she needed to change underwear in the middle of the sidewalk. I turned around just in time to see her legs in the air with no undies on. I can never eat salami again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 493
You deserved it 2 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm confused here...did it look like salami or smell like it? Or both?

Just because you can't eat salami anymore didn't mean you had to ruin it for everyone else...


robnunzi12 2

I think he meant roast beef?!

gatorgirl2669 6

what exactly looked and or smelled like salami? so so very confused

the salami is throwing me off a bit...I think it's irrelevant...

Don't you wish that you could mentally Unsee sights like that ?

Well then, all you need is a good ol' dose of Brain Bleach! :)

maryhaltom87 1

Thanks for ruining it for everyone else too.

thank you for that lovely visual. anyone got any spare brain bleach?