Game on
By sasquatch21 - 21/02/2010 13:36 - Bahrain
By sasquatch21 - 21/02/2010 13:36 - Bahrain
By Lady Cuntsnatch of Fallopia - 04/01/2015 01:30 - United States - Yuba City
By Perry Winkle - 03/05/2024 07:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/09/2012 12:31 - United States
By Choum - 07/11/2008 06:33 - France
By jolene11 - 17/05/2010 02:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/03/2021 20:30 - Canada - Dartmouth
By dumpedovergame - 06/07/2009 10:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/11/2021 05:02
By Soon to be a widow - 19/12/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom - Cardiff
By Anonymous - 23/04/2022 03:00 - United States - Menomonee Falls
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Show it anywayI second # 1
lol she's pregnant with his kid and you're asking if he's still a virgin?
well then make yourself an account too, that way you can spend more time together and at the same time defeat the deadmines! it's a win win! =)
my husband was the same lol I started playing as well he learned real fast what he was doing lol is lame now FYI
in theory that sounds good but as a new player and not into games she will probably suck really bad and not understand the social community in the game at all making him look bad too. in the end it will be frustrating for him
She never said it was his ;)
Lol this is something my boyfriend would write, He moved here and I'm doing Elder achievements on my alts, He's working his butt off and I don't pay too much attention to
That is a terrible overgeneralization and stereotype. You should feel bad for mocking people you clearly do not understand, ajjas.
That doesn't make sense.
I agree with Ginathy. He'll never help out with the baby. Ever. Even loneliness would be better than the neglect and misery he's got in store for you. Not good for the tiny person to see that..Don't let that "man" be the example your baby sees. Run far and fast, while you can. If you hesitate, at least make sure he doesn't knock you up again. FYL for sure. :/
say it's you or the game, if he's too drawn in he can't get away :S
maybe ur just a computer game nerd urself with the name "masterwarlock"
Sorry Ajjas, but ever since scientists bred female nerds in 1996, nerds are no longer virgins.
so then are you a virgin ajjas?
When will you posters learn? WoW takes precedent over gfs, kids, or any other social activity.
#71: It is. Buy it. NOW. :)
i play wow but I'm definately not a virgin
op should start playing wow so she can talk to her husband
what a ******* nerd he need to grow up and get a job
I love WoW !
As my name suggests, I barel
#1 go butt rape a monkey named cheecky u jew
haha tru dat I like that comment :p
Yeah to those who say playing WoW = virgin, you have no clue. I laugh at your discriminatory claims and replace them with facts. Many people who play WoW are adults and college people with lives and sometimes families. Your claims are largely based on ignorance and stereotyping (although they are very fun to laugh at for the stupidity of it)
I saw confront him and tell him to grow the hell up and help with the baby (I'm not saying all WoW players are immature, just all WoW players that neglect their pregnant wives for a game), and to stop playing WoW. If he doesn't agree, throw him out, go home, do whatever, just don't stay with someone so pathetic (again, not all WoW players are pathetic -_- just those neglecting babies). Also, these FMLs about these ******* idiots that ignore their girlfriends and wives for games piss me off xD How do these people even get into relationships? And you just know the people in comments who say the game beats the girlfriend out every time are either trying to be funny and failing, single, or a ******* IDIOT. Thank you.
haha good idea but pretend to be a 21 year old girl and hit on him to see if he is loyal :D
not really! my whole family plays wow and I'm the only virgin cause I'm to young to do it
15 year old v who plays wow I'm catholic that's y I'm a v not cause of wow
that 1st comment was supposed to be at the person who told her to play wow the second was to the person with the yoda nintendo kid
that sucks
Ahaha on a side note, it actually is pretty fun. better when your stoned tho ;]
yeah that sucks. I play wow but it doesn't consume me. I have a fiancé, two jobs, the insane title, and a life :)
I know what ya mean
Yes I've played it. It's good and gory but short.
Oh no. Have you talked to him about it?
Shit happens OP, shit happens....
Poor thing. Delete the character!
Blizzard can easily recover lost characters, it's not a very smart solution anyways. Just give him an ultimatum, the choice has to be his.
delete it
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Show it anywayI've never heard of the place you're posting from :O
I'm not too familiar with the geography of the Middle East.
L2google? Haha Bahrain is a small island of the coast off Saudi Arabia. ( To the East). Oh and people like him give others that play WoW a bad name. Some of them lead absolutely normal social lives, but enjoy playing the game. Anything taken to extremes is bad.
My boyfriend has a XBOX 360 addiction. Try getting into WoW so you'll have a commen interest. You know what they say "Cant beat 'em, join 'em"!
that's like if her man snorted coke you telling her that she should do it too so that they would hav a common interest.
Everyone else here is making a lot of idiotic assumptions. I played WoW while my wife was pregnant, and yes, I ignored her to some extent, because who the frig wants to be around a moody pregnant woman? However, when my kid was born, I changed diapers, watched her all the time, played with her, etc. I now have 4, and am very attentive, yet I still play WoW(occasionally). So yeah, not all is lost, unless you're stupid about it. She's already pregnant with his kid, simply dumping him on the spot is an idiotic solution.
lol she's pregnant with his kid and you're asking if he's still a virgin?
My boyfriend has a XBOX 360 addiction. Try getting into WoW so you'll have a commen interest. You know what they say "Cant beat 'em, join 'em"!