By Anonymous - 14/09/2011 15:47 - United States

Today, a lady came into my workplace to pay her $120 bill in one dollar bills. I kept losing count. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 832
You deserved it 12 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have heard if you put them into piles of ten notes you should be right..


BigRob247 0

This reminds me of when Rusty Wallace had a big fine of like $1500 back in '89 if I remember right. Idk the exact Amt but he paid it all in pennies.

texas_redneck88 10

Seriously?! How in the hell is it hard to lose count countin' somethin' that simple? You could of either done stacks of ten or stacks of 20. And you're from Texas, thanks for makin' us look like were effin stupid

Could have*... you made yourself look stupid there. Counting 120 dollar bills is time consuming and will hold up the rest of the line of customers. I don't think that's particularly a good idea, and it's definitely not good for business.

And that's why it sucks dealing with strippers when they pay bills.

tigermilz 1
mj_ok 9

I really hate people who do that, I always ask them "you just want to pay in credit?"