By IHateBeingAStudent - 12/02/2012 09:43

Today, a little girl I give horse-riding lessons to told me she had saved up $8.00 for her own pony. I laughed and thought how cute she was, then realized that was more than I have in my own savings account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 285
You deserved it 12 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

Don't you make money through lessons?

Considering her user name is iHateBeingaStudent, I would assume that's her part time job while she's in college. College seems to get really expensive so I believe she doesn't have any money left because of that.


Charge her! Or you will never learn your lesson.

Yeah come back and tell me that again when you've been in College for a couple years without your parents paying your way...

Lulz, the key point being 'about to START college'. Unless your parents are paying your way, you'll soon be as broke as the rest of us. All hail the ramen!

Akward! I noe how ya feel. Similar thing happened to me

horserider15 3