By IHateBeingAStudent - 12/02/2012 09:43

Today, a little girl I give horse-riding lessons to told me she had saved up $8.00 for her own pony. I laughed and thought how cute she was, then realized that was more than I have in my own savings account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 285
You deserved it 12 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

Don't you make money through lessons?

Considering her user name is iHateBeingaStudent, I would assume that's her part time job while she's in college. College seems to get really expensive so I believe she doesn't have any money left because of that.


swaggin_it_313 0

Poor as fck! Smhh get a job then OP!

Illiterate as ****! SMH, go back to school and read the FML, slowly and clearly.

musicluvr2000 11

What happens to the money you earn through the lessons?

erickvega725 0
yusaku02 20

I'm sure you could make some dough by selling the horse to be turned into glue/dog food.

bubo_fml 10

Like the T.V. commercial..."I Love My Little Pony!" BTW, why are young girls so fixated on horses anyway? Am I missing some sort of deep seeded psycho-sexual phenomena? Just curious, that's all...

YDI if you don't know how to save money and not spend it. There are no excuses.

Being a college student isn't considered an excuse to you? Hint: OP's name (by IHateBeingAStudent)

Yeah, silly me spending my money on frivolous things like rent and groceries

So you must be the type that gets everything from mommy and daddy?