By :,< - 17/09/2012 17:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Scarlett - 16/02/2013 06:03 - Canada - Barrie
By Anonymous - 27/01/2017 04:00
By darkman28 - 07/04/2009 05:21 - United States
By Frozen Delight - 24/02/2019 22:00 - United States - New York
By Rae - 30/07/2009 13:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/04/2014 05:57 - Canada
By Anonymous - 08/07/2012 15:17 - United States - Santa Cruz
By Anonymous - 08/10/2013 21:16 - United States - West Chicago
By krt - 03/10/2010 23:29 - United States
By Me - 12/01/2010 05:11 - United States
Top comments
Pretty little pony penis.
Cool, alliteration!!
Picture perfect pretty petite pony penis.
How the hell did you not see the ****** tree limb hanging under it
Try saying that 5 times fast!
My little pony~ has a big pee pee!
The fact this comment has 69 up votes is cool too.
Wasn't an alliteration...
Photo shop
88- please explain how it isn't alliteration. (This should be good...)
Uncalled for. The majority of us are just as disgusted by that crap as a non-brony.
Ohh snap, bitches, it just got serious up in here, you're getting a beat down buy some Bronies.
Dafuq's a brony
Bronies are what fans of the show My Little Pony are called, like how Doctor Who fans are called Whovians, etc etc
41 Damn straight. Don't go picking on invented demographics like bronies.
What's with all the stupid my little pony pics ?
33 - I am baffled by your use of the term "non-brony". Perhaps you meant "normal person"?
I've wondered. Is it pronounced bro-ny or bra-ny? I'm never sure if I'm pronouncing it right. Anyone want to help me out?
71 - there is no such thing as a "normal person" people come in all shapes, colors, sizes, likes, dislikes, ect. There really is no definition for a normal person. P.s. I'm not a brony.
Not yet... Check back in a decade.
I'm sad she pointed out the penis, instead of her granddaughter.
I don't get what the big problem is. Did the grandma not know that ponies have penises?
Does she not know that she has a granddaughter either? I mean, come on the whole reason the mom sent it was because of the kid, she knew the kid was there. I'm pretty sure she didn't expect the pony penis.
I wonder if grandma got a pc virus searching for pony penis?
At least it didn't have an erection! Or did it...
Shit I overlooked that about horses, my bad. I'll crawl back into my hole now.
The first time I read this I thought that the grandma was saying that the kid looked like a penis...
Yes animals have dicks too. I don't see the big problem.
Having a penis gives you the right to show it in every picture
Thank you. I came in here to make sure at least one person had some sense. I don't see a problem here. Male animals have penises. They don't control how visible they are at any given time. It's not as if the horse was turned on by the girl, and even if it somehow was, it's not like it knew what was going on.
Grandma expected the pretty pony to keep his pretty little pony penis in his pretty pony pants. Grandma may be disturbed. (But this will make a hilarious grandma story when your daughter grows up!)
Boo-hoo. A male animal with a penis. I'm pretty sure that's a common thing. Animals don't wear pants to hide it. Just look at dogs for example. Those things jump all over people and people cuddle with them. It's a penis to, yet no one cares. What's the difference if it's a horse.
But what do girl pony's have?
All male animals should be castrated before working at carnivals? Maybe a nappy or some form of underwear should be used? People are disgusted by the silliest things these days.
I like your eyebrows.
I think we all appreciate the glory of this man's eyebrows.
Justkittykat, u may like his eyebrows, but ur profile pic goes well with this fml. Ur batman has a woody. Lol
Err... don't most male ponies have, you know, penises? I'm not seeing what the FML is here. That magic couldn't exist to make it invisible in the photo? That the Grandma pointed it out? I'm confused.

Pretty little pony penis.
Yes animals have dicks too. I don't see the big problem.