By Anonymous - 20/07/2013 21:31 - Canada - Toronto

Today, a man stopped me on the street. He said the stretch marks on my thighs looked like cuts, and asked me if I self-harmed. Before I was able to politely respond "No", he said, "I mean, I can see why you would." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 590
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who even asks that question to a stranger in the first place? And what they added on made them even more of a dick

After his insult, you should have said, "However I do perform grievous bodily harm", and let loose on him.


No, that isn't how it works. One remark from a stranger asking after their welfare, even if it did come out insulting, isn't going to make someone cut themselves unless they already have psychological issues, which the OP doesn't say they have.

Ok, why wud u even be SHOWING your stretchmarks may i ask?

doglover100 28
Sonotsuave 35

That is ridiculous and inappropriate on so many levels! Self harm and mental health are not to be taken lightly, first of all. Second, how can someone say something so rude and cruel in the first place; third, how does a complete stranger think they have the right to talk like that?