By Anonymous - 20/07/2013 21:31 - Canada - Toronto

Today, a man stopped me on the street. He said the stretch marks on my thighs looked like cuts, and asked me if I self-harmed. Before I was able to politely respond "No", he said, "I mean, I can see why you would." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 581
You deserved it 3 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who even asks that question to a stranger in the first place? And what they added on made them even more of a dick

After his insult, you should have said, "However I do perform grievous bodily harm", and let loose on him.


Considering he could see your thighs and your stretch marks, I genuinely applaud your self-confidence OP! FYL for getting comments like that.

Anyone who points out self harm scars is a dick and deserves a punch in the throat.

You can look emo...and not be one...for him to shoot that question out in he blue he is asking for trouble..,

justmeCee 16

That random person had no business stoping you and making those rude remarks. Very ignorant, and sorry that happened to you, Op. And stretch marks does not necessarily mean Op is overweight. I used to have a few stretch marks too, but they can go away or fade quite well by moisturizing all the time. Cocoa butter, lubiderm lotion, bio oil, all work great. Good luck to you Op, and don't let some random asshole ruin your self esteem. If you dare wear short shorts, then rock those short shorts, girly! :)

If shes fairly overweight, pls no.... If shes normal then go for it

MzZombicidal 36

If she's normal? Really? You know, someone can be overweight by a couple of pounds and still look great. Hell, some can be substantially overweight and look good! Don't make someone feel bad by trying to be confident. Also, if it's summer, you're going to see more skin. Deal with it.

@69 if you can live with people staring in disgust at your rolls hanging out and talking about you behind your back, and never being able to attract a male who is at least 5/10, then go for it.

SilverInGray 25

97 - I find it ridiculous that you seem to think relationships are based purely on looks. It should be about personality, not attractiveness. Beyond that, some men are actually attracted almost exclusively to overweight women.

Because attracting a guy is the number one priority in life, right?

okay rude enough he asked such a thing considering some of us rather not talk about the subject but then say he could see why you would I hope that guy got hit by a bus for such words

inkdeath87 18

Does he not realize that can trigger people to start self harming!?!?!

52 - Obviously you didn't actually read my comment, and just decided to get mad because I wrote something negative about overweight people. I said that overweight guys who dress in a revealing or inappropriate way are also unpleasant. It's not a sexist thing, it's an I-don't-want-to-see-fat-people-walking-around-in-next-to-nothing thing. As for having to wear a parka in summer, there's a vast difference between a parka and short shorts. As I said, if OP is not overweight, fair enough, and regardless of how much OP weighs the guy was a dick (hence why I voted FYL), but if she is, I understand where he's coming from. Again, though, that doesn't mean he wasn't an enormous asshole. 35 - Unfortunately, I can't predict who is going to be walking in front of me and what they'll be wearing, so I'll have to see it at some point. I don't exactly stare, but it's impossible not to see it once. 39 - OP is in Ontario, it's hardly Nevada, and again, there's shorts, and short shorts. If OP's thighs were clearly visible, what do you think they were wearing?

showmeyourears 19

Maybe op is really short. As a fellow short person (5' even), I'm aware of the fact that wearing longer shorts just doesn't look good. Also, being overweight doesn't necessarily mean gross legs. A lot of the bigger girls I've seen have had really stunning legs and look great in short shorts.

60- i have an idea. how about you stop being a dick and stop shaming people for their body types. because honey, i can tell you that barely any girls look like the ones on your magazines, because the ones on your magazines are photoshopped to shit. but anyway, you can kindly go **** yourself because you have absolutely no say in what a woman wears or does with her body. not to mention, clothes are extremely limited to overweight girls. because ASSHOLES LIKE YOU and the MEDIA only encourage tiny, stick thin girls. variations of clothing are limited and you are a douchebag.

If you think Ontario is better than Nevada, clearly you have never been to Ontario in the middle of summer. The UV index doesn't get as high, but the humidity can get to over 90% so it feels like you're drowning. For the record I have been to Nevada in the summer, and I liked it much better. Nice dry heat.

Bearing in mind that what I'm saying is based on the assumption that OP has stretch marks on their legs because they're overweight (which is probable but not definite), I fail to see how, because I don't like seeing fat people in skimpy clothing, I must only like stick thin girls. There's a big difference between 100-120 pounds and 200-220 pounds, why do you assume I don't like girls in the middle (by the way, I weigh 140 pounds and have never had a girlfriend who weighs less than me, so there's that. In before the "probably never had a girlfriend at all if you talk like this" shit as well)? As for "girls not looking like they do in my magazines", I can't say I read many magazines, and even if I did, I am in fact a real person in the real world and see other real people in the real world pretty regularly, so I'm aware of what the average person looks like. I'm also aware that being an overweight woman severely limits your options in terms of clothing, but that's generally because you can't find anything nice or flattering and it's all boring and baggy, it doesn't limit you to skimpy clothing. Everybody seems to have read my posts and somehow got "I hate fat people and this guy was right", you all really need to cut the outrage down a tad and learn some reading comprehension.

websphere69 27

A really big prick move, although I can understand the temptation to do him bodily harm, good for you for showing more restraint than he did!

wow! some people are so rude. I would of replied with a sac tap lol