By Anonymous - 20/12/2013 22:00 - United Kingdom - Romford

Today, a man wearing a Santa hat stumbled out of a bar, staggered over to my car, and vomited through the open window into my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 847
You deserved it 4 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments


christian2234 15

Yes the very strong holiday spirits that need mixers...

looks like someone got an early Christmas gift...

aubama_fml 15

You didn't have to wait for Santa to leave your presents under the tree

Why see you parked in front of a bar with the windows down?

When you saw him staggering to the car why didn't you just put the window up?

Nyarlothatep 12

And this, people, is exactly the kind of person that made me stop going to bars. They get so upset when you vomit on their lap..