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By sma93 - 17/12/2016 18:30 - United States - Baldwin

Today, after my work's Christmas party, everyone got so drunk that I had to help one of my only sober co-workers take everyone home and clean up vomit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 723
You deserved it 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I do not drink at all so when things start to get out of hand (believe me, a restaurant once told us they have never sold so much alcohol in a day until we held our party there and lets just say there was vomit everywhere along with a broken table), I take off. This might make me sound like a bad person, but it does not since management hands out taxi chits to those who are incapable of driving home themselves.

Been there =/ You should start looking for better company. And I don't mean non-drinkers, just obviously not the binge drinking ones that can't seem to hold their liquor.


Been there =/ You should start looking for better company. And I don't mean non-drinkers, just obviously not the binge drinking ones that can't seem to hold their liquor.

I wonder how you're supposed to know that. Is it something that you ask in interviews? "Do your employees go binge drinking? The ones that can't seem to hold their liquor?"

**** their lives because of the hangovers they will have ;)

writergirl1029 17

They deserve it for getting that drunk.

So because you're sober you're in charge of babysitting everyone? That's ****** up.

species4872 19

Should have just left everyone there. You and your co-worker are not baby sitters unless you maybe work at a day care place.

Exactly, I would have left them and the vomit behind. That is not your job unless your a clean up service.

cootiequeen4444 11

I mean the very least OP could do is steal everyone's car keys. if they're too drunk to call for a cab they're too drunk to drive. And come from experiences of some close friends, it's not fun to find out someone died driving home drunk.. people start crying how they should've taken the keys and the loss of a life is tragic enough... the way it possibly could have been avoided sobers some of the most obnoxious party goers... so yeah... sure... it would be OP'S right to leave... but it's not exactly responsible nor the right thing to do in an ethical stance. not just for the sake of the drunk employees but the innocent sober drivers/pedestrians that could be a casualty.

polsen4273 8

Sounds like a good party, and you helped make it happen. Only fyl if they dint thank you Monday

Not all heroes wear capes. For real, they could have drove home and gotten into a serious, perhaps fatal accident if you did not assist.

You act like ubers and taxis don't exist.

No good deed goes unnoticed (: hopefully something good will happen to you and your other sober coworker

That's what you get for not taking advantage of free alcohol.

You're nicer than I am. I would have flipped everyone off and went home. Not my job.

Triangle6757 9