By Anonymous - 20/12/2013 22:00 - United Kingdom - Romford

Today, a man wearing a Santa hat stumbled out of a bar, staggered over to my car, and vomited through the open window into my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 847
You deserved it 4 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments


This is bloody hilarious. His logical thinking to look for a window to puke out of only went halfway there. There was another FML from the drunkard's POV years ago. Going into my favourites.

Even those that's messed up... at least he vomited on your lap not on some kid!

you never know what gift you might get from Santa....

lightanddark 17

but my question is: why is your car window open? I thought that if you see a drunk guy stumble towards your car, the first thing you do is to close all your windows, not to leave them open, to make sure they don't do anything crazy to the inside of your car. And don't tell me they drive a convertible. no one drives a convertible during the winter