By LyraAlluse - 26/06/2013 18:12 - United States - Phoenix
LyraAlluse tells us more.
Hello everyone, OP here. I have enjoyed reading the comments, they are all very amusing and gave me a good laugh. In response to the Karate Kid comment, I actually practice Tai Chi, Qigong, Sword Fighting, and other martial arts/ weapon combat styles. Sometimes I do feel like the Karate Kid, especially with this latest development in my life. Because of my martial arts training I believe in self-defense and since all the kid hurled at me were threats, I am not too concerned. I don't think he believed I was above the age of thirteen until I drove in my car today and then you should have seen his expression. It was very amusing. I tend to look very young for my age (hey I'm not complaining) so people tend to think I am in my very early teens all of the time. I was even denied access to a lot of the casinos at Cliff Castle not too long ago because I looked too young to be on the casino floors. At the end of the day I had to wear a stamp that confirmed my age to even be allowed on the casino floors so in some sense I can understand why people mistake me for being so young. In response to the question about living at home, I happen to be a working professional, those years are behind me now. But there are definitely days when I wish that I was still as young as people like to think I am. If I happen to see the kid's parents I'll let them know about his behavior so he doesn't treat the other neighborhood kids the same way. Thank you for the support in all of this. No one should be bullied no matter what age they happen to be. I hope this will inspire other people to stop bullying in their schools and neighborhoods too.
Top comments
Ydi for quoting him as saying "that aren't".
Usually, I'd never post something this vile. To be honest, I don't even remember writing this.
Talk to the kid's mother/ father. Beat his ass for being a jerk. P.S. Welcome to the neighboorhood.
What town do you live in for a twelve year old to be in charge. Just put your palm on his forehead when he tries to attack you and laugh at him.
Buy him some beer
don't you just love neighborhoods that make you feel like you fit it as soon as you get there?
Hello everyone, OP here. I have enjoyed reading the comments, they are all very amusing and gave me a good laugh. In response to the Karate Kid comment, I actually practice Tai Chi, Qigong, Sword Fighting, and other martial arts/ weapon combat styles. Sometimes I do feel like the Karate Kid, especially with this latest development in my life. Because of my martial arts training I believe in self-defense and since all the kid hurled at me were threats, I am not too concerned. I don't think he believed I was above the age of thirteen until I drove in my car today and then you should have seen his expression. It was very amusing. I tend to look very young for my age (hey I'm not complaining) so people tend to think I am in my very early teens all of the time. I was even denied access to a lot of the casinos at Cliff Castle not too long ago because I looked too young to be on the casino floors. At the end of the day I had to wear a stamp that confirmed my age to even be allowed on the casino floors so in some sense I can understand why people mistake me for being so young. In response to the question about living at home, I happen to be a working professional, those years are behind me now. But there are definitely days when I wish that I was still as young as people like to think I am. If I happen to see the kid's parents I'll let them know about his behavior so he doesn't treat the other neighborhood kids the same way. Thank you for the support in all of this. No one should be bullied no matter what age they happen to be. I hope this will inspire other people to stop bullying in their schools and neighborhoods too.
@117 aka op. very encouraging and hopeful response
Hey OP, I really appreciate your response in regards to comments about your FML. I have the same problem - my husband and I went out to buy alcohol for a party, just last night and the lady behind the counter took a long hard look at my ID to make sure it wasn't fake! Being in Australia, the legal drinking age is 18, so I must look under lol Some view it as a compliment, but is equally a pain in the ass as well.
RAWR!! I'm a trex :P
Dinosaurs are cool. I used to have a lot of those model kits where you build the dinosaur bones. I also used to have those eggs where you extract the baby dinosaur. I grew up with lots of guy toys (including Nerf guns) because I've always been a tomboy, even to this day.
Pardon the random comment, but I just wanted to interject my opinion on how I find it odd that the OP replies 99% of the time with a first line of "OP here".
Looking young has its benefits too. On one hand, I am always getting carded because people don't believe I am old enough to do anything (including buy super glue) that a grown adult is allowed to do. On the other hand, everyone thinks I am in high school so I have a wide range of friends from all walks of life which makes life more fun. So cheers to all the people who look young. It will only get better as we age.
u sound kinda like a motivational speaker u look in to becoming one ud be great
Wow you deal with it a lot better than I do. I'm also of the many that get mistaken for a 12 or 13 year old. (One time I think even an 11 year old.) Doesn't it get to you after awhile? I mean when I'm old enough to drink I'm gonna want to drink without having to dealing with someone's b/s. Do you still get asked if you want the kids menu at a restaurant?
That might be fun. I never thought of being a motivation speaker before but it sounds like an awesome job. I will have to check into it.
You look about 16
I have to jump into this convo and tell a story that once happened to me. I was 22 when I went to a restaurant and the hostess asked me if I wanted crayons to go with my kids menu. She had a bitchy undertone in her voice too. I wanted to hurl my fist in her face! Haha. I ordered a beer instead and the look on her face when she saw me drinking it was to die for. In the end, looking young will have its advantages for people like us! :]
I have the opposite problem, I'm 14 an everyone thinks I'm 17 or 18.
Just be wary that the parents aren't the SOURCE of his threats. And by that I mean where he learned them. Telling a parent that their child attempted to threaten you thinking you were near his age might bring their wrath down on you, and you don't want to have to kick their butts. Just a warning.
@169 Nothing wrong with looking mature. The mature look makes you look wise and distinguished. And on the bright side people will listen to what you have to say because you have the look of someone who should be listened to.
I hope you're right about looking young. I'm only 18 and people think I'm in middle school!
Looking young is never a problem, I'm pushing 30 and get I.D.'d all the time, my partner is 5yrs my junior and hates it. He's jealous that I look younger than him, 4yrs younger than him as far as local regulations are concerned!!
@182 My step dad took me(I'm 16 now, btw), my brother and sister(who are both older than me), and his daughter to a restaurant and he ordered alcohol and got carded! He was born in 71 and this was either a year or two ago! So if you're around 40 and get carded, that is a feat!
@183 I train with many different weapons including katana, boken, shuriken, long sword, short sword, bow staff...just name a weapon and I probably train with it.
Not to be picky, but isn't the proper spelling "bo staff"?
@188 Yes, I have seen it spelled both ways bo and bow. Bo would be the proper way to spell it but bow is just listed that way so people know how to say it.
#169, that's not a problem, take advantage of that and go see a rated R movie
169, same thing happens to me. It definitely has its advantages though. As someone else said, you can easily get into R rated movies that way. I've been told that I look and act 19-20 when I'm only 15. I don't complain though, it helps me a lot.
This takes some balls, you got them
That's not necessarily a problem - one of my mates is like that and buys his friends beers and shit :D
Take a shit in his sandbox. That'll teach him a lesson he won't soon forget.
Some kids need to learn some discipline.