By LyraAlluse - 26/06/2013 18:12 - United States - Phoenix

Today, a neighbor's kid decided to pick a fight with me because I'm "the new kid in town and need to learn who's in charge". When I told him I'm 27, he said excuses like that aren't going to get me off the hook. I just moved here and I'm already being harassed by a twelve year old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 355
You deserved it 4 623

LyraAlluse tells us more.

Hello everyone, OP here. I have enjoyed reading the comments, they are all very amusing and gave me a good laugh. In response to the Karate Kid comment, I actually practice Tai Chi, Qigong, Sword Fighting, and other martial arts/ weapon combat styles. Sometimes I do feel like the Karate Kid, especially with this latest development in my life. Because of my martial arts training I believe in self-defense and since all the kid hurled at me were threats, I am not too concerned. I don't think he believed I was above the age of thirteen until I drove in my car today and then you should have seen his expression. It was very amusing. I tend to look very young for my age (hey I'm not complaining) so people tend to think I am in my very early teens all of the time. I was even denied access to a lot of the casinos at Cliff Castle not too long ago because I looked too young to be on the casino floors. At the end of the day I had to wear a stamp that confirmed my age to even be allowed on the casino floors so in some sense I can understand why people mistake me for being so young. In response to the question about living at home, I happen to be a working professional, those years are behind me now. But there are definitely days when I wish that I was still as young as people like to think I am. If I happen to see the kid's parents I'll let them know about his behavior so he doesn't treat the other neighborhood kids the same way. Thank you for the support in all of this. No one should be bullied no matter what age they happen to be. I hope this will inspire other people to stop bullying in their schools and neighborhoods too.

Top comments

PulseShock 9

Take a shit in his sandbox. That'll teach him a lesson he won't soon forget.

Some kids need to learn some discipline.


Your 27 and a 12 is scaring you. Dude grow a pair! Don't be such a puss.

Pandamonia88 9
rahulcool7 14

#124 the op is a woman for the love of ra, i really wish people would stop saying: grow some balls/grow a pair. it aggravates me because its insulting to women to be told that they should grow something that is impossible for them to do. the better way to tell someone to toughen up is to say: grow a spine, be more gutsy, etc anything that isn't based on sexual organs

That awkward moment when the OP comments and its actually a girl.

First of all124, if you read the bright blue comment made by OP she said that she just doesn't like bullying she's not actually upset. And it's spelled pussy.

spartangrl 6

agreed. just because you have balls doesn't make you any braver than someone without...

I dont understand why fucktards always say "grow some balls" balls are weak and easily hurt but a ****** pussy. ya those things are tough, i mean look at the poundings they can take. DUMBASS ************!! BWAHAHA

Whoop his little ass and teach the punk a lesson.. Atleast it'll stop his bullying around other kids..

Aw bless you! It's good to look young though :)

Put dogshit in a sandwich and give To him as a peace offering

Hey OP... I feel with you. A situation where you cannot win. The kids mental immaturity doesn't allow him to comprehend that someone that looks young may actually not be that young. If he actually had attacked you and you had defended yourself you would have still been at fault due to the difference in age. I'm really tall and used to be subject to all kinds of bullying due to that, but I always got a lot more trouble than the bullies due to being taller and heavier than them if I fought back. Luckily the kid has seen you driving your car now and will likely leave you alone.

Tell him he's going to be "the new kid in juvi" where he'll get to "learn his place" if he doesn't knock it off, then call the cops in him & keep doing it if he continues his stupidity.

Kids like that exist because no one has stood up to them. How can they be wrong if they've risen to the top and no one can stand up to them? It couldn't possibly be that its just not worth your time or anything. Maybe you should make some time.

@154 Yes, sometimes I do get asked for a kid's menu at the restaurant. My friends tease me about looking young all of the time. It doesn't bother me too much anymore because I realized that as I get older I'll look as young as I do now which is always a good thing. It can be frustrating though, especially when people insist that I am in junior high or high school and don't really take what I say seriously.