By seamonkeys - 21/03/2013 09:42 - United States

Today, a pregnant friend who is due in 2 weeks posted a picture of a baby on Facebook. I commented congratulations. She's still pregnant. It was a picture of her baby who died 3 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 374
You deserved it 13 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not your fault - who posts pics of dead babies???

countryrose92 23

Not your fault Hun, you were trying to congratulate her, she prolly shouldn't of posted the picture of the baby so close to due date with out specifying more.


Why the **** would she do that?! This was bound to happen to someone.

magicstar49er 5

She shudnt have posted the pic. Not ur fault

Sorry OP but YDI for not reading about it if she said anything and I don't blame you cause she could've gave birth early right? So yeah..

erizonkim 17

Why the **** would she post a picture of a dead baby when another baby is on the way! I'm sorry op Totally not your fault!

I may be an asshole, but this one actually made me laugh.

leafsnacks 11

Yikes! That sounds like you could do with some explaining. Sorry op!