By torkx3 - 21/07/2009 20:22 - United States

Today, a resident went missing at our nursing home. When I found him, a man in a blue shirt and red pants, he started yelling at me in confusion. I just thought it was his alzheimers. When I brought him to my administrator, I was told the missing resident was wearing a red shirt and blue pants. Wrong guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 760
You deserved it 40 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

videogamejunkie 0

Methinks he's not the one who has alzheimer's.

Emberlin 0

I would assume he had Alzheimer's too if he was wearing red pants...


Smallworld_fml 0

Today while wearing my blue shirt and red pants on a walk, some crazy f$&k came up to me and brought me to a nursing home. Fml

Even Nintendo once made this mistake. :-p Well, they didn't abduct anyone, but they got Mario's wardrobe wrong on the cover of Nintendo Power...

I hat it when u mix things up like that! It really pisses me off!!

Maybe he changed clothes Or one of you is dyslexic

courtjester86 8

Funny... This same thing happened in a tv show called the office...

YellowKettleBell 31

maybe you were the missing resident....