By -__-" - 29/09/2013 05:45 - United States - Vancouver

Today, a stranger pulled me out of the path of a speeding taxicab. He then took one look at my face, said, "I should've left you there", and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 567
You deserved it 4 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow what on earth would make somebody say something like that? That's horrible. At least he saved you though! Glad you're ok OP :)

Ouch. Well, would've hurt more if he had left you.


I would have thanked him but when he said that as he was walking off I would have chunked something at his head

OP here. I guess there's a lot of confusion among you all... I'm not especially indecent looking, I think when he grabbed my arm and yanked me back the look on my face was probably slightly distorted. For one thing I didn't see the taxi until it was coming at me for another his yanking me back was a further shock. I did try to say "Thank you" But he didn't stick around long enough to hear it. All the same I'm grateful he spared me a trip in a bodybag though he could've carried himself better :)

o.o That was rude! I would've slapped him if I were you.

Ouch, that hurts. But not as bad as it might've been had the cab been involved... Thank goodness you're ok, though! ? Everyone deserves to live.